Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Why Using Creative Commons Licensed Materials Is Not As Easy As It Looks | Techdirt Lite "However, proving that something was originally available under a CC license when its owner claims that it is only available under restrictive conditions is more problematic. Interestingly, there are services that try to address this problem by keeping "dated, independently verified copies of license conditions associated with creative commons images," which suggests that this is an issue faced by quite a few people."
- How big might the 3D printing market become and will the big printing companies get involved? "I generally believe that initially 3D printing will be used to make 1% of the things on this planet. The 1% we care about, the 1% of things that need to fit or the 1% of things that need to be just so. So that would mean it would be a $100 billion a year market."
- What does Jimmy Wales think of the general disdain/mockery the Internet had for the donation campaign featuring his visage?
- Wer für Apple baut, baut auch für alle anderen – Apple und Foxconn sind nur die Spitze des Eisbergs | Mobilegeeks.de
- Wie aus John Maynard Keynes ein Starinvestor wurde
- Netzneutralität in Slowenien: Zweiter EU-Staat verbietet Diskriminierung von Internet-Diensten zu kommerziellen Zwecken
- Why We (Still) Believe in Working Remotely « Blog – Stack Exchange Gute Tipps.
- Daniel Ek: Spotify wird dieses Jahr 500 Mio. $ auszahlen
- Sorry, Google+ Users, Those Super Bowl Hashtags Really Were For Twitter "Anyone feel like Best Buy using a hashtag in a Super Bowl commercial was really meant to spark hashtag-related discussion on Google+, when Best Buy isn’t even using its verified Google+ account at all? Anyone?"
- Langjährige ARD-Krimireihe mit sechs Buchstaben, aber nicht vorsagen! « Stefan Niggemeier
- Copyright Insanity: School Policy Requires Students Hand Over Copyright On All Work "There are some absolutely ridiculous situations created by the fact that all creative works are automatically granted a copyright on being put into a fixed form. Mostly, we just ignore these situations, because the vast majority of them never matter. But, as copyright has become more and more ridiculous, some people are beginning to start to make use of the stupid fact that all kinds of things can be "owned" that probably shouldn't be "ownable." Take, for example, school work. If a student creates something, it is covered by copyright, though most people never really consider or care about that. However, the board of education for Prince George County in Maryland is apparently considering a new "copyright policy" in which all students and staff would have to assign all of those copyrights over to the school system itself."
- RIAA Set For Historic 10,000,000th Google URL Takedown Gratulation.
- Daring Fireball Linked List: Apple TV and iPhone Displays "No app designed for a handheld touchscreen could work well on a non-touch TV screen. It’s absurd. I’d love to see Apple TV gain an App Store and third-party apps. I think it’s something Apple would do, and might be working on. But such apps would be their own new thing. They would not be iPad or iPhone apps. That TV displays are 1920 × 1080 has no bearing whatsoever on whether Apple would ever make a 1920 × 1080 iPhone. None."
- Zalando wirkt: Görtz gönnt sich 30 Mio. € frisches Kapital "Das ist doppelt bemerkenswert, nicht nur wegen der Höhe der Summe, die an die Wachstumsrunden von Zalando erinnert, sondern weil es gerade im Einzelhandel immer heißt, für Online-Investitionen sei kein Kapital vorhanden. Sobald das Kind jedoch in den Brunnen gefallen ist, findet sich dann aber doch immer ein stolzes Sümmchen."
- European Court Of Human Rights: No, Copyright Does Not Automatically Trump Freedom Of Expression
- Harper's Magazine Publisher Shakes Verbal Fist At Google; Romanticizes Own Profession; Quotes Teletubbies
- Amazon Deutschland so groß wie Thalia, Weltbild & Co. zusammen » Debatte » lesen.net So kann man es auch sagen.
- Ingress – Das Google Spiel im Kurztest | Mobilegeeks.de
- Patent Reform, System Should Be Abolished, Fed Economists Say "Two economists at the St. Louis Federal Reserve published a paper arguing to abolish the American patent system, saying there's "no evidence" patents improve productivity and that they have a "negative" effect on "innovation.""
- Sascha Lobo: Gegen Cyber-Stalking hilft nur Gespür fürs Internet - SPIEGEL ONLINE
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