Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Rise of the prosumer analyst: How mobile is driving a new brand of business analysis "Evans, Dediu and Ben Thompson are among an increasingly popular class of analysts supplying a historically atypical audience with business and industry analysis. This audience requires industry intelligence and business acumen. Traditional outlets for business content — the Wall Street Journal, CNBC or research firms like Gartner — are too generalist to fill that role. Evans, Dediu and Thompson serve, in part, to unbundle content and distribute their more specialized analysis through more accessible mediums."
- Samsung Exposed as Top Advertiser on Pirate Sites Samsung dürfte fast überall Top Advertiser sein.
- Introducing Paperback – Paperback Blog "I started building Paperback because I wanted the reading experience of Instapaper but with the reliable archival system of Pinboard. Paperback gives you a nice clean reading list and article view, free of distraction, keyboard navigation that rocks if you’re on a desktop, and powerful tools for tagging and archiving your articles back into Pinboard’s long term storage." Via Carsten Pötter
- Bundesnachrichtendienst zapft bis zu 25 Provider in Deutschland an
- Apple Under Siege "In ancient Rome, victorious generals marched in triumph to the Capitol. Lest the occasion go to the army commander’s head, a slave would march behind the victor, murmuring in his ear, memento mori, “remember you’re mortal”."
- A Beginner’s Guide to Pinboard — Shawn Blanc
- Googles Identifizierungs-Pläne erschüttern die Online-Welt
- freelan - an open-source, multi-platform, peer-to-peer VPN software "A free, open-source, multi-platform, highly-configurable and peer-to-peer VPN software, designed to easily connect remote hosts and mainly focused on security and performance.It can be used to create from small to very large virtual private networks which can be dynamically modified."
- Axel-Springer-Chef fordert "Kreativministerium" | heise online "Nach britischem Vorbild wünsche er sich, dass eine neue Bundesregierung stärker die Fachkompetenz etwa für Internet, Digitalisierung und Urheberrecht wahrnimmt, sagte Döpfner am Montag in der Industrie- und Handelskammer (IHK) in Berlin." Es wäre ein Super-GAU.
- Here comes another ‘Netflix for books,’ this time from Scribd | PandoDaily
- Analyzing Valve’s SteamOS, Steam Machines, and Steam Controller Announcements "Short-term, we have more questions than answers, but this is definitely a bold (if somewhat expected) move from Valve. They’ve gone from creating games to becoming perhaps the largest “game publisher” around, and their next step appears to directly challenge behemoths like Microsoft (on both the Windows and Xbox fronts), Sony, and Nintendo. I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that I would really like to see Valve succeed at altering the gaming system landscape yet again. How long might it take to get that? Probably more than a year or two, best-case."
- Wristband replaces keys and passwords with user’s heartbeat
- And Then Steve Said, ‘Let There Be an iPhone’ - NYTimes.com
- Daring Fireball Linked List: Lavabit Case Unsealed
- Wie die Banditen von Union und SPD die “Spiegel”-Leute ausplündern wollen « Stefan Niggemeier
- Vevo nutzt in Deutschland auf Nutzungsprognosen basierenden Einführungstarif der GEMA
- AnandTech | They're (Almost) All Dirty: The State of Cheating in Android Benchmarks
- Spotify und SoundCloud: Webmusik wird endlich sozial
- Spotify führt Follow-Button zum Einbinden in Websites ein
- Kate Micucci | Notizblog
- Daring Fireball Linked List: AnandTech Catches Samsung Cheating on Galaxy S4 Benchmarks Samsungs Benchmarkbetrügereien haben Tradition.
- Exciting Commerce: Exchanges #22: Wie sich der Elektronikhandel entwickelt "In den Exchanges unterhalten sich diesmal Matthias Hell und Marcel Weiß über die aktuellen Entwicklungen im Elektronikhandel.Wie schlägt sich Media Saturn im Netz? Was macht Redcoon? Wie läuft es bei Getgoods? Und worin unterscheiden sich die stationären Strategien von Cyberport und Notebooksbilliger? Um diese und andere Themen geht es in der Elektronikausgabe unseres Podcasts."
- Mercedes Bunz: „Der Zugang zu Wissen ist das Entscheidende“ | Carta
- Note 3’s benchmarking “adjustments” inflate scores by up to 20% | Ars Technica Samsung betrügt bei den Benchmarks. Nicht sonderlich überraschend weil auch ein bisschen typisch für Samsung.
- Wenn das Netz mit Google verwechselt wird. — andreasvongunten.com
- “Play fair”: Bundesverband Musikindustrie vergibt Gütesiegel an Onlinedienste
- Musikvideos: Vevo startet offiziell in Deutschland, ohne YouTube
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