Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- The Toobin principle » Pressthink
- Lawmakers Issued License Plates That Make Them 'Invisible' To Traffic Cams And Parking Tickets | Techdirt So sieht das also künftig aus.
- There Is No 'True' Price For Anything | Techdirt "No one ever knew what a book's "real price" was, because there's no such thing as a "real price." There's whatever price a willing buyer and a willing seller agree on, and that's the "real price" for that book." Economics 101
- »Everything is a Stream« — Rivva Blog "Die neue Homepage teilt sich nun in viele Flüsse:
Top Stories des Tages
Timeline neuer Artikel
Populäre Artikel nach Thema
Neue Artikel tauchen zunächst in der Timeline auf und können von dort entweder in den Top Stories nach oben schwimmen oder schließlich in die einzelnen Themenkanäle unten münden."
- Quartz joins the wave of media entities trying to rethink how reader comments work "The new Quartz feature positions comments next to specific paragraphs of a story, rather than dumping them all in a comment section at the bottom of a piece. The feature looks and behaves very much like what Medium — the site founded by former Twitter CEO Evan Williams — calls “notes,” and Quartz senior editor Zach Seward said in an interview that this is not a coincidence, and that the site’s annotations were partly inspired by Medium’s feature."
- Ich glaube nicht mehr an einen Politikwechsel. Und das ist das Problem. | spektrallinie
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