9. März 2012 Lesezeit: 2 Min.

Aktuelles 9. März 2012

Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:

  • Pinterest Sent More Referral Traffic than Twitter in February  Das dürfte nur für Twitterjunkies überraschend kommen. "According to our findings based on aggregated data from more than 200,000 publishers that reach more than 270 million unique monthly visitors each month, we just learned that Pinterest beat out Twitter for referral traffic in February."
  • Path launches version 2.1 with open API, new camera and music functions | VentureBeat
  • The new feeds and speeds: iPad vs. MacBook Air and iMac | asymco  "The new iPad now exceeds the total display resolution, has similar speed and storage capacity while having twice the battery life of the thinnest laptop of four years ago."
  • Daring Fireball: Only Apple  "Cook’s remarks may be immodest, but they are not hyperbole. No other company could today produce something like this new iPad. Not at these prices, at these quantities, at a worldwide scope, with a content ecosystem and user experience of the iPad’s quality. Apple is in a league of its own, and the iPad exemplifies it."
  • Those Pretty Maps in Apple’s New iPhoto for iOS? That’s OpenStreetMap’s Data Used Without Credit — SiliconFilter  "It turns out, however, that at least outside of the U.S., the company is using data from the collaboratively edited OpenStreetMap project. The problem with this is that a) Apple isn’t giving credit to OpenStreetMap and b) that the data is actually over a year old. While data from OpenStreetMap is available for use in third-party applications, the group requires attribution under a Creative Commons license."
  • “Apple Configurator” Released To Mass Configure iOS Devices  Tablethersteller, die sich auf den Enterprise-Sektor zurückziehen/konzentrieren wollten? Es wird nicht einfacher werden. "it appears the app will allow those who are looking for a simple deployment solution to set Profiles for iOS devices, update iOS, install apps, and set restrictions. It’s certainly a welcome addition that confirms Apple’s focus in education, and in helping schools manage iOS devices and distribute applications."
  • CHART OF THE DAY: The iPad Is Outselling Every Single PC  "Apple sold 15.4 million iPads last quarter. That's more than any PC maker's TOTAL PC sales during the same quarter."
  • Neues iPad unterstützt in Deutschland kein LTE » mobiFlip.de  "Die LTE-Frequenzen vom neuen iPad bringen einem mit dem Netz von Vodafone und der Telekom nichts, denn das iPad unterstützt 700 und 2100 MHz,  für den deutschen Markt wären aber 800 und/oder 2600 MHz nötig. Wie die Telekom auf Twitter meldet ist vorerst auch keine Änderung geplant und es werden nur die amerkanischen & kanadischen LTE Frequenzen unterstützt."

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Marcel Weiß
Unabhängiger Analyst, Publizist & Speaker ~ freier Autor bei FAZ, Podcaster auf neunetz.fm, Co-Host des Onlinehandels-Podcasts Exchanges
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