Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- heise online | Urheberrecht: Zwischen Abmahnindustrie und Kulturflatrate Meine Aussagen zu 95 Prozent getroffen: "Neunetz-Blogger Marcel Weiss äußerte Bedenken an der Notwendigkeit, ein zusätzliches Pauschalmodell einzuführen. Es gebe bislang keine Beweise dafür, dass etwa der Gesamtumsatz der Musikindustrie aufgrund von Filesharing zurückgehe, meinte Weiss. Der CD-Verkauf sei zwar rückläufig, dafür legten die Einnahmen im Live-Bereich aber deutlich zu. Eine Freigabe des Downloads geschützter Werke für private Zwecke werde dagegen dazu führen, dass der Dateiverkauf einbreche. Formen der nicht-kommerziellen Verbreitung würden im Zuge "sehr viel bequemer"."
- Techdirt: If You Think The Cost Of 'Piracy' Is High, What About The Cost Of Enforcement? "What's amazing is that even when the costs are explicit, they barely enter the conversation. Take, for example, the predecessor to SOPA/PIPA: the ProIP Act, which passed in 2008. A report by the Congressional Budget Office showed that the cost of this bill, which is almost entirely focused on increased enforcement was $435 million. Yes, you read that right. Taxpayers have been on the hook for nearly half a billion dollars for the increased enforcement initiatives -- like the spectacular flop known as Operation In Our Sites. Is this really a wise use of taxpayer resources?Add to that, of course, the negative externalities created by such enforcement -- such as the chilling effects of increased censorship, expensive court cases and other such efforts, and it's kind of amazing that these costs never seem to even enter the public debate, even though many of them are a lot more real than the "costs" presented by the industry for "piracy.""
- Techdirt: RIAA Tries To Downplay Its Role In The Feds' Unjustifiable Censorship Of Dajaz1
- Why Facebook and Silicon Valley owe it all to Moscow | European technology news "Essentially the tactic seems to boil down to a series of straightforward steps: first find a category leader like Facebook, Zynga or Groupon; then use heavy investment to make sure that they outpace their competition and stretch their lead even further; then continue pushing them, with more money if necessary, towards an IPO."
- The Avengers: Why Pirates Failed To Prevent A Box Office Record | TorrentFreak
- Pirate Party Wins Again In Germany | Techdirt "Of course, it's worth noting a point that's been left out in many of the discussions about the success of the German Pirate Party: Germany has some of the worst copyright laws around, especially on issues like secondary liability. Perhaps those two things are linked... and perhaps those who keep pushing for more draconian enforcement of copyrights might want to take that into account. There's little to no evidence that such laws do anything to slow down infringement, but it sure seems to make people respect copyright law even less."
- Perfect 10 Sues Tumblr For Copyright Infringement Over Nude Photos | Betabeat — News, gossip and intel from Silicon Alley 2.0.
- Wird die C3S eine alternative Verwertungsgesellschaft? Erste Informationen.
- Wie Spotify trotz fehlender Einigung mit der GEMA in Deutschland verfügbar sein kann
- Mit WiMP startet ein weiterer Streamingdienst in Deutschland
- Musikbusinessnews: Rdio, eMusic, Spotify, AllMusic und mehr
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