1. Sep. 2014 Lesezeit: 5 Min.

Aktuelles: Copyright, ARD, Chromecast

Lesenswerte Analysen und Hintergrundberichte zu aktuellen Entwicklungen:

"That gives us a guess of 2,564,103 Chromecast users using the device 3 times a week."

Chromecast is not such a big deal after all.

  • Can Reddit Grow Up? - NYTimes.com - newnetland Can Reddit Grow Up? - NYTimes.com:"“Makeupaddiction,” for example, is a section dedicated entirely to beauty products and tips. Users post hundreds of conversation threads daily, often recommending different types of products to one another.

This is exactly where a brand wants to be, Reddit says. If a company like Estée Lauder bought an ad unit — a so-called “native ad” that looks similar to other Reddit conversation threads — at the top of the Makeupaddiction sub-Reddit, users in the thread would treat it less like an ad and more like content.”

  • Uber passenger ratings and algorithmic discrimination "For a few hours today, Uber users could view their passenger rating thanks to a how-to posted by Aaron Landy.1 Uber gives both passengers and drivers ratings, probably by averaging the post-ride ratings each gets, and they affect whether riders can get picked up and whether drivers keep their jobs."
  • Dash | Download Dash Mobile Plattform für das (gemeinsame) Bezahlen in Restaurants. New York only zum Start.
  • Amazon’s cloud price war with Google is starting to hurt – Quartz Game of Kings.
  • Kommentar zum Uber-Verbot: Ist Sharing frischer Wind oder eisiger Sturm? - heise online "Die Leichtigkeit, mit der sich Uber und Airbnb verbreiten, beruht gerade darauf, dass sie in hoffnungslos überregulierte Branchen eingebrochen sind. Diese sollten schleunigst dereguliert werden. Davon würden auch etablierte Anbieter profitieren.Natürlich darf das nicht zu einem ungehemmten Manchester-Kapitalismus führen. Es ist durchaus eine zivilisatorische Errungenschaft, sich in ein beliebiges Taxi setzen zu können ohne Angst, abgezockt zu werden. Doch es müssen nicht unbedingt Behörden sein, die gewisse Mindeststandards überwachen. Wer dreckige Zimmer vermietet oder fährt wie ein Henker, der wird es in der Crowd nicht weit bringen. Dafür sorgen die Nutzer mit ihren Bewertungen schon selber."
  • Making Sense of Microsoft - newnetland Making Sense of Microsoft:"This is how one can really understand why Ballmer – over the objection of Nadella, among others – made the disastrously stupid decision to buy Nokia. We now know for a fact that my speculation at the time that Nokia was about to introduce Android phones was spot-on, and the terms of the deal suggest that Nokia was having financial difficulties as well; if Microsoft would have lost Nokia, they would have lost Windows Phone, and Ballmer saw that as a mortal threat. Never mind that Windows Phone is for all-intents-and-purposes already dead; the thing about culture is that it not only eats strategy, it washes it down with a potent mixture of selective facts and undue optimism."
  • Samwer Report: Zalando und die rote Nul

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Marcel Weiß
Unabhängiger Analyst, Publizist & Speaker ~ freier Autor bei FAZ, Podcaster auf neunetz.fm, Co-Host des Onlinehandels-Podcasts Exchanges
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