12. Feb. 2015 Lesezeit: 3 Min.

Aktuelles: Samsung, Apple, Ubuntu, Alibaba

Lesenswerte Analysen und Hintergrundberichte zu aktuellen Entwicklungen:

  • Die nächsten drei Milliarden-Unternehmen im Online-Handel | Exciting Commerce "Während Amazon 2015 schon über 100 Milliarden Umsatz machen wird (“Wo steht Amazon in 5 Jahren?”), haben drei weitere Online-Händler 2014 erstmals die Umsatzmilliarde erreicht: ASOS und Ocado in England und Zulily in den USA."
  • Samsung TVs start inserting ads into your movies — Tech News and Analysis "Thought you could watch that video on your local hard drive without ads? Think again: A number of owners of Samsung’s smart TVs are reporting this week that their TV sets started to interrupt their movie viewing with Pepsi ads, which seem to be dynamically inserted into third-party content."Das ergibt businessseitig keinen Sinn für Samsung. Es ruiniert ihre Marke.
  • Zur netzpolitischen Dimension (8) von »The Daily Show with Jon Stewart« | netzpolitik.org "Das in dem SZ-Beitrag von Johannes Kuhn angesprochene “popkulturelle Trauma” ist deshalb in Deutschland auch ein Beleg für die große popkulturelle Bedeutung von Piraterie. Mehr noch als bei Serien und Filmen lebt The Daily Show von der Tagesaktualität des Formats. Alles andere als unmittelbarer Zugang ist eigentlich keine Option. Mangels legalem Angebot lässt sich die weitverbreitete Trauer über ein Ende der Daily Show eigentlich nur mit der Nutzung illegaler Streaming-Portale erklären.Abgesehen davon ist das Phänomen Daily Show wohl auch mit ein Grund für den erst kürzlich von Quentin Hardy in seinem New-York-Times-Blog bemerkten VPN-Boom."
  • Apple CEO Tim Cook Speaking Live at 2015 Goldman Sachs Technology Conference - Mac Rumors Tim Cook: "I don't believe we've been a hardware company for as long as I've been here. Our customers would feel the same. When they buy a Mac, they buy an experience with hardware, software, and services. Same with iPhone and iPad. Now financially we report services separately, and this adds up to like $18 billion for the last year. But when you think about it when we sell an iPhone, you get the experience, but we're also selling future updates to keep that experience fresh. We don't apportion that out, so services would actually be even higher. But because we own the whole widget and control the entire experience, everything is important. Doing them all and doing them all at a very high integrated level."
  • Box hands cloud encryption keys over to its... - newnetland Ars Technica:Today, Box says it has a new product that gets the job done. Called “Enterprise Key Management (EKM),” the service puts encryption keys inside a customer’s own data center and in a special security module stored in an Amazon data center. The Box service still must access customer’s data in order to enable sharing and collaboration, but EKM makes sure that only happens when the customer wants it to, Box says.

    When asked if the service would prevent Box from handing data over to the government, a company spokesperson said, “Unless the customer provides authorization to Box to provide the content that’s asked for, Box is prevented from sharing the content. When customers use Box EKM we are not able to provide decrypted content because we don’t have the encryption keys protecting the customer’s content.”

    A (for Box’ business) necessary and welcome development.

  • Google confirms it put $900M into SpaceX's $1B round | VentureBeat | Deals | by Harrison Weber Interessantes Investment.

  • Noch ein Tor für Team Internet? Die Rolle der vernetzten Öffentlichkeit in der Debatte um Netzneutralität in den USA | netzpolitik.org "We conclude that a diverse set of actors working in conjunction through the networked public sphere played a central, arguably decisive, role in turning around the Federal Communications Commission policy on net neutrality."

  • Aquaris E4.5: Canonical bringt das erste Ubuntu-Smartphone - schubweise - Golem.de "Nach langer Entwicklung kommt endlich das erste Smartphone mit Ubuntu Phone auf den Markt. Allerdings wird das mit 170 Euro recht günstige Gerät nicht normal in den Handel kommen, sondern über zeitlich begrenzte Verkaufsaktionen erhältlich sein."Ubuntu will kein zweites Fire Phone schaffen.

  • The ingredients of a great newsletter -- Fusion

  • Google may lose interest in Android. Google’s... - newnetland “Google may lose interest in Android. Google’s money comes from a variety of services, such as search and Maps, that work great on all platforms, on mobile and desktop. Android may become a distraction. Google everywhere is more important than Google on Android.

    Non-Google Android, via Amazon, via China and India handset makers, may stumble upon the next big thing.

    • The Smartphone Wars Are Over. Nope. Two good points to think about.
    • The networked individual - newnetland The networked individual:"Woolf’s famous line - “on or about December 1910 human character changed” - haunts the present. Sometime during the 2000s a combination of technology, broken economic life-chances and increased personal freedom changed human character all over again. From the demonstrations on Tahrir Square, to the small exam revision groups organised by women in hijabs in the coffee bars just off Tahrir Square, we are beginning to meet a new kind of person: the networked individual, with weak organisational loyalty, multiple personas and whose consciousness is produced by continual, multiplatform communication."

    (via Fusion newsletter)

  • Alibaba places China smartphone business bet with $590 million Meizu deal | Reuters Ein Spiel der Könige.

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Marcel Weiß
Unabhängiger Analyst, Publizist & Speaker ~ freier Autor bei FAZ, Podcaster auf neunetz.fm, Co-Host des Onlinehandels-Podcasts Exchanges
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