Interessant. Crowdsourcing über eine Facebook-App:
CloudCrowd is an on-demand labor-as-a-service crowdsourcing company that uses a Facebook application to route work to laborers. It takes a complex project that a company would normally have to hire and train employees to do and breaks it down into thousands of short, simple tasks which are performed and verified by laborers.
InsideFacebook: CloudCrowd Offers Peer-Reviewed Crowdsourcing Through Facebook.
CloudCrowd scheint recht erfolgreich zu sein:
Depending on the size and complexity, clients pay $5,000 to hundreds of thousands per project plus a $5,000 set up fee, but only pay for completed, approved work. Current clients range from start ups to Fortune 500 companies in industries like e-commerce, education, web search, social networking, business data, and content publication.
Die Vorgehensweise im Detail:
Tasks are assigned a payment value, from a cent for simple tasks that take a few seconds like creating directory entries for websites, to dollars for longer, more complex tasks like editing documents. They are then routed to laborers by listing them as available work on CloudCrowd’s Facebook application. Consistent, accurate work builds a worker’s credibility score slowly over time, while inaccurate work quickly decreases their score. As a worker completes tasks, money is added to their CloudCrowd account, which is then paid out to a PayPal account the next day.
CloudCrowd hat in der Regel mehr Arbeiter als zu vergebende Tasks zur Verfügung. Die Anwendung könnte Crowdsourcing auf dem Rücken von Facebook sehr populär machen.
Interesssanterweise setzt CloudCrowd auf Binnenintegration mit einem iframe statt auf eine separate Site mit Facebook-Connect-Integration.