Cory Doctorow reviewt Don Tappscotts und Anthony Williams MacroWikinomics und findet das Buch nicht sonderlich gut:
If a Macrowikinomics reader is meant to come away from the section on open source with an understanding of the dynamic that she can apply to her own firm, this will leave out the critical intelligence that much of that world is anti-authoritarian and skeptical of commercial co-option. The authors cite the great scholar Yochai Benkler but completely fail to get to grips with Benkler's central thesis -- that the kind of collaboration they're urging is neither a marketplace nor a socialist planned system -- rather, it's a totally new thing, a "commons-based peer production" economy. This is one of the most important insights of the century when it comes to understanding how net-driven collaboration works, and the authors miss it in favor of an undemanding story about a new kind of free market. There are elements of truth to this account, but it lacks critical depth and doesn't do justice to its subject.
Macrowikinomics isn't a bad book, but it is a flawed one. In an effort to produce a nonthreatening primer for all audiences, the authors have oversimplified and elided the particulars in a way that leaves their account crucially incomplete. I like Tapscott and Williams's work overall, and will be reading their future efforts, but with the hope of more rigor and willingness to touch on truths that might disturb their core constituents.
Schon der Vorgänger "Wikinomics" erschien eher wie eine etwas in jeder Hinsicht dünnere Nachahmung von Yocha Benklers Epochenwerk "The Wealth of Networks".
Ein guter Anlass, um noch einmal die Empfehlung auszusprechen: Jeder der sich intensiver mit dem Internet und dessen gesellschaftlichen Implikationen beschäftigen will, muss Yochai Benklers "The Wealth of Networks" lesen. Entweder hier auf Amazon kaufen (Affiliatelink) oder auf Benklers Site kostenlos als PDF herunterladen oder in HTML und anderen Formaten anschauen.
Noch einmal unmissverständlich: Wenn man nur ein Buch über die gesellschaftlichen Implikationen des Internets lesen will, dann sollte es "The Wealth of Networks" sein.