Weil wir gerade von Kickstarter reden. Nicht nur das geplante Adventuregame von Tim Schafer kann eine Rekordfinanzierung auf Kickstarter verbuchen. Auf der Crowdfunding-Plattform hat es just mit einem Dock für das iPhone ein weiteres Projekt geschafft, die Millionen-Grenze zu durchbrechen.
The crowd-source funding site Kickstarter has been doing remarkably well recently, giving thousands of entrepreneurs the opportunity to bring their projects to life. It also just hit a major milestone: the service has now funded two million-dollar projects, both on the same day. First up was the Elevation Dock for the iPhone, which takes design cues from Apple's own aluminum unibody products. It hit $1 million in donations sometime around 1:30PM Eastern today.
Mehr zum Thema Crowdfunding.