Bloomberg über einen neuen Trend, der bald Schule machen könnte:
Some companies are apparently so concerned about the NSA snooping on their data that they're requiring - in writing - that their technology suppliers store their data outside the U.S.
In Canada, a pharmaceutical company and government agency have now both added language to that effect to their contracts with suppliers, as did a grocery chain in the U.K., according to J.J. Thompson, chief executive officer of Rook Consulting, an Indianapolis, Indiana-based security-consulting firm. He declined to name the companies, which are using Rook to manage the segmentation and keep the data out of the U.S.
Cisco hatte bereits ein desaströses Quartal dank der NSA-Aktivitäten.
Angesichts der Aktivitäten von GCHQ und co. erscheint das alles noch etwas naiv beziehungsweise ohnmächtig verzweifelt. Aber es zeigt auch, dass die Thematik da angekommen ist, wo auch die Politik zuhört: In der Wirtschaft.