Auf TechCrunch sind zwei sehr lesenswerte Auszüge aus einem bald erscheinenden Buch über die ersten fünf Jahre von Facebook erschienen:
“Why don’t you just sell to us?” he asked. “You’d be very wealthy.”
“You just saw my apartment,” Zuckerberg replied. “I don’t really need any money. And anyway, I don’t think I’m ever going to have an idea this good again.”
Zuckerberg owns about 24% of the stock, which puts his stake at almost $5 billion. But he seems in no rush for an IPO or the next big thing. After all, what would he do all day? “Unless I feel like I’m working on the most important problem I can help with, then I’m not going to feel good about how I’m spending my time,” he says. “And that’s what this company is.” The ultimate payday is not a priority. Changing the world is.
Bereits aus den auf TechCrunch erschienenen Textauszügen wird offensichtlich, was Beobachtern schon länger klar war: Facebook-CEO Mark Zuckerberg ist kein gewöhnlicher CEO.
Das Buch heißt "the facebook Effect" und ist von David Kirkpatrick.