12. Juli 2012 Lesezeit: 1 Min.

Ist Kickstarter der zweitgrößte Publisher von Graphic Novels?

Äpfel und Birnen, aber die andere Kostenstruktur bei Crowdfunding und die mittlerweile von Kickstarter erreichte Größe deuten gemeinsam darauf hin, dass die ersten Wirtschaftszweige in Bälde den Windrichtungswechsel direkt zu spüren bekommen werden.

Publishers Weekly:

In terms of the revenue a publisher receives, there is a large difference between Kickstarter and a distributor. Depending on the size of the pledge, Kickstarter will keep 8%-10%, with 90-92% going to the creators/publisher. For a “regular” publisher, Diamond will require a 60% discount with the publisher keeping 40% of the list price. The top four publishers above are part of Diamond’s “Premiere” program and will have a brokerage relationship with the distributor. It will be a slightly better deal that a regular publisher gets. For the purpose of comparing ballpark net revenue flows to the publisher, the publisher totals were multiplied by 40% and the Kickstarter total by 90%, which yields:  

1.   Marvel, $2,764,427.55

2.   Kickstarter, $1,988,407.80

3.   DC, $1,718,766.78

4.   Image, $1,190,403.18

5.   Dark Horse $424,541.93

Marcel Weiß
Unabhängiger Analyst, Publizist & Speaker ~ freier Autor bei FAZ, Podcaster auf neunetz.fm, Co-Host des Onlinehandels-Podcasts Exchanges
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