10. Sep. 2010 Lesezeit: 2 Min.

Lesenswerte Artikel 10. September 2010

Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:

  • Like It or Not, Twitter Has Become a News Platform
    "The bottom line is one that journalism professor Jay Rosen reiterated during a recent address to journalism students in Paris: the “people formerly known as the audience” have the tools to become part of the media now, and that is changing our society in ways that we are only beginning to appreciate."
  • Like Button Can Now Link to Facebook Pages and Specific In-App Content
  • Fresh Physical Books
    "I suspect this will be the last paper-native book that I do. The amount of work required to process atoms into a sheaf of fibers and ink and then ship it to your house or the local bookstore is more than most of us are willing to pay anymore. And of course the extra time needed upfront to print and transport it is shocking. This book was finished, designed, proofed, and ready to be read four months ago. But atoms take time, while bits are instant."
    Kevin Kelly bringt ein neues Buch heraus.
  • OAuthypocrisy and the Passwordpocalypse
    "There are two solutions to this state of affairs. Either Twitter decides to do the right thing and switch over to using APIs and authentication for Gmail, Yahoo and AOL …or else Gmail, Yahoo and AOL follow Twitter’s example and disallow the password anti-pattern for scraping address books."
  • iTunes costs nearly $1 Billion a year to run
    "According to a report by Asymco, Apple’s average iTunes operation costs nearly $75 million dollars per month. This is more than double 2009′s average monthly costs of $30 million. The rise is credited to the new features Apple has recently implemented into iTunes as well as the 18 million apps downloaded each day. In case you didn’t catch Apple’s September 1st keynote, that’s roughly 200 apps per second."
  • Mathias Döpfner über das Netz: "Freiheit von innen bedroht" - taz.de
    "Döpfner verdreht die Tatsachen: Dass es Unternehmen wie Google besser gelungen ist, im Netz mit Anzeigen Geld zu verdienen, kann wohl kaum dem Internet angelastet werden. Und dass die Nutzer durchaus bereit sind, im Internet Geld zu lassen, zeigt zum Beispiel der Erfolg von Apples iTunes Store. Open-Access und Gratis-Kultur – für Döpfner alles dasselbe. Folgerichtig also, dass er die Probleme der Verlage (lassen wir das Rekordergebnis von Axel Springer mal außer Acht) mit den Bedrohungen der Pressefreiheit gleichsetzt."
  • Swiss Supreme Court Says Tracking Online File Sharers Violates Privacy Laws

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Marcel Weiß
Unabhängiger Analyst, Publizist & Speaker ~ freier Autor bei FAZ, Podcaster auf neunetz.fm, Co-Host des Onlinehandels-Podcasts Exchanges
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