- Chasing Real-Time Raindrops in an Ocean of Content
- Obama: We Must Move Forward On ACTA
- Foursquare Turns 1 With Half a Million Users
- Introducing the Cycle of Transparency
- Leistungsschutzrecht wird konkretisiert
- "Die Vorstellung der Verleger (Lauthals vorgetragen von einer armen Firma wie Springer) ist, dass eine Art neue VG Wort alle PCs in deutschen Unternehmen zur Kasse bittet. " - Top 5 moments from Eric Schmidt’s talk in Abu Dhabi
- "Schmidt said that because of Google’s ownership structure – he and the company’s founders hold the majority voting power – the company isn’t beholden to the whims of the market. “We see ourselves as a company with a mission about information,” he said, “and not a mission about revenue or profits.” It’s something that he has said many times before, but it took on a new cast in light of recent events like the Google Buzz privacy dustup. Will Google’s sense of exceptionalism give it an enduring moral compass? Or just a dangerous culture of self-righteousness? We’ll find out soon enough." - OK Go Exits EMI For Own Label: Hopefully, An Embedding-Friendly One
- "For want of an embed code, the band was lost…to their own independent label. Viral music video experts and indie rock band OK Go, after publicly squabbling with EMI over the lack of embedding on their YouTube music videos, have left the label to create their own." - louisgray.com: Brizzly Acquires Birdfeed, WikiRank, Adds iPhone App
- "The new iPhone app features many Brizzly-only features, including Brizzly Guide support, uploading of photos to Brizzly Pics, and muting from Brizzly.com. It also features multiple account support, lists, saved searches, classic retweets, custom tabs and infinite scrolling, according to a microsite on the new product, found at http://brizzly.com/iphone/." - Willkommen im Exceed Network: Where Innovators Thrive
- "Um in den kommenden Jahren Hunderte von kleineren und größeren E-Commerce-Initiativen unterstützen zu können, braucht es eine geeignete Infrastruktur. Das Exceed Netzwerk hilft bei der Vernetzung der Akteure (Gründer, Investoren, Coaches, etc.) und ihrer Aktivitäten.
Im Exceed Net wird es öffentliche und private Gruppen zu einzelnen Projekten und Innovationsthemen geben sowie regelmäßige Updates zu den wichtigsten Exceed Initiativen, Hinweise auf Veranstaltungen, etc. Ziel ist es, den Innovationstreibern sämtliche Mittel zur Hand zu geben, um spannende Projekte und coole, neue Ideen schnell und aktiv voranzutreiben."