Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Google Instant is an example of how Yahoo could have won in search
"Instead, what was lacking was the ability to bust past that local maximum. Google may have challenges of its own these days, but today it clearly demonstrated that it still has the organizational courage to challenge its own preconceptions. As I read the coverage and play with Google Instant, I can’t help but wonder how things might have gone if Yahoo had shared this trait five years ago. It could have been pretty damn great." - Amazon's cloud platform still the largest, but others are closing the gap
Wow, Windows Azure ist groß. - Was YouTube und die Websites der Öffentlich-Rechtlichen gemeinsam haben
"Aber auch hier – ähnlich wie im erwähnten Fall von YouTube – wird die Ursache des Ärgernisses benannt, sodass der Groll in diese Richtung geleitet und Druck aufgebaut wird, der vielleicht auch zu Anpassungen dieses Vorgehens führen wird." - Widgets, maps and an API make World Bank data sing
"The new <a href="http://data.worldbank.org">data.worldbank.org</a> website that's launching today is designed to make the vast wealth of open data easier to use. The Bank is increasing the number of indicators available on the site from 339 to more than 1,200, and it has substantially improved its API. Four different languages are supported on the site, along with an improved data browser, feedback buttons, instant search, and embeddable widgets." - USA Today Latest Media Co. to Realize Open is Better
"The newspaper — which said that it will launch its open API project later this month — joins a small but growing group that includes The Guardian, the New York Times and National Public Radio." - Twitter Has Killed RSS Readers -- Traffic To Google Reader Down 27% Since Last Year
Frage mich, womit dann die überall mehr werdenden RSS-Abonnenten ihre Feeds lesen. - 101
- Mike Masnick: “Unfaires” Kopieren verursacht soziale Kosten – unabhängig vom Urheberrecht
- Stanford student creates YouTube Instant, gets job offer from YouTube CEO
- Stop making social networks, Facebook won
"I'm not saying "don't compete with Facebook", I'm saying "don't build something new where I have to enter a new list of my acquaintances."" - Want an easy way to bring your games to the webOS platform?
"The Plug-In Development Kit (PDK) is a new component of the webOS SDK that lets developers use C and C++ alongside the web technologies that power the SDK and even mix them seamlessly within a single application. The PDK brings new functionality to webOS, including immersive 3D graphics, and gives developers who have built games for other platforms an easy way to bring their titles to the webOS platform." - All nodes in a network are intermediaries.
"The marketspace of the new economy can hold far more intermediaries than the marketplace of the old could. This swelling bulk of intermediaries becomes an exaggerated middle. As networks proliferate, so do overlapping clusters of intersecting interests that reside in the realm of the middle. In fact the hypermiddle is less a size than a shape." - Wordpress Channels Tumblr with Subscriptions
"The feature is also good news for some bigger publishers, like technology blogs TechCrunch and GigaOM, which are both hosted on WordPress. As WordPress notes in its blog post, RSS feeds and readers "can be tricky to manage for a non-technical person", and a subscription feature like this will make is easier for the non-techie." - Apple Says "We Have Enough Fart Apps," Here's Why That's Wrong
"Apple doesn't need to lay down the law in such Draconian terms. Instead of rejecting apps because there are already "plenty" of them out there, Apple should develop better filtering, ranking and recommendation algorithms for displaying available applications to interested users." - The line between book and Internet will disappear
"But everything exists within the EPUB spec already to make the next obvious -- but frightening -- step: let books live properly within the Internet, along with websites, databases, blogs, Twitter, map systems, and applications." - Twilio’s API Expands by 100+ New Features
- ★ A Taste of What’s New in the Updated App Store License Agreement and New Review Guidelines
"The existence of this document is a very welcome change, and it goes a long way to answering much of the criticism regarding prior controversial App Store rejections, by putting in writing the rules that are actually used by the reviewers." - The slow death of Dopplr
Nokia - Wo Dopplr und Plazes zum Sterben hingegangen sind. - For-Profit Automattic Gives WordPress Trademark To Non-Profit Foundation
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