Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Yes, The Khan Academy IS the Future of Education (video) "The brainchild of Salman Khan, the Khan Academy became famous by teaching simple math lessons for free through over 2000 YouTube videos. Now, after millions in donations and an expansion of the company, the academy is so much more."
- Meine Kritik zu “inside Wikileaks” "Mein Fazit in einem Satz: Der wahre Grund für die Existenz dieses Buches erschließt sich mir nicht."
- Öffentliches Expertengespräch des Bundestagsausschusses für Kultur und Medien zur “Zukunft des Qualitätsjournalismus”
- Howard Stern and Twitter Just Made Me Watch "Private Parts" Again [MediaMemo] "“It’s taken the DVR out of the equation again,” Twitter CEO Dick Costolo said last month. “People feel like they have to watch the show, while it’s going on.”" Wobei bei massiver Nutzung ein Startup da auch wieder in die Bresche springen könnte.
- Mubarak’s Billions Beyond the Reach of Law
- Why The Arguments That The Huffington Post Must Pay Bloggers Is Misguided: Payment Isn't Just Money "the people who chose -- of their own free will -- to post at the Huffington Post for free did so because they clearly got value out of doing so. Otherwise, why would they have done so in the first place? To then say that the only proper thing is to pay them is completely missing the point. It's an attempt to retroactively go back and change the terms of a deal."
- Two turkeys don’t make an eagle, but no penguin will ever soar. Android ist nur ein fast follower: "This is not a judgement, but an observation: Nokia and Microsoft may not make an Apple but neither will Android ever create the future."
- How NBC Wanted Conan O'Brien Dump His Twitter Account "while they had originally planned an ad budget to advertise O'Brien's standup tour last year, instead they decided to just mention it on Twitter. They figured if that failed, they could easily go back to traditional advertising. Turns out they didn't need to. Within hours of the first tweet about the tour, they had sold out two shows at Radio City Music Hall (which holds over 6,000 people). The first day alone they sold 120,000 tickets. The entire tour sold out within a few days -- with no money spent on advertising."
- Can BankSimple Live Up To Its Name? "BankSimple, to be sure, is not a bank. It will partner with smaller banks who will hold the federally insured accounts. What BankSimple will do is provide an online interface that allows users to combine all their credit, savings, checking and termed accounts into one banking card. Customers can set their spending limits and savings goals with BankSimple and the service will dynamically manage their money between accounts to ensure they stay on their targets."
- Zoom! StumbleUpon traffic doubles in 6 months "Website discovery engine StumbleUpon had 500 million hits last month and its traffic has doubled in 6 months, the company announced today."
- UK Gov't Admits That Protecting Big Record Labels More Important Than Getting Poor Online Prioritäten.
- The Story of TweetDeck's Rise from Obscurity to a Rumored Sale for ~$30 Million In Less than 1,000 Days "For those entrepreneurs looking to get rich quick, you had better believe this is hard work. Iain once e-mailed me to say he was doing 16 hour days, 7 days a week, coding. And nearly three years is a long time to do that. It's not a 20-year career pushing papers in an anonymous cubicle, but it's attention to detail, differentiation and quality that made TweetDeck the best at what they do."
- Magento und die Zukunftsperspektiven mit/unter Ebay "Eines kann man ganz grundsätzlich festhalten: Wer die Zukunft einer Branche ernsthaft verändern/gestalten will, der darf sich niemals mit einem der etablierten Player einlassen - und schon gar nicht zu so einem frühen Zeitpunkt."
- Facebook mit neuen Fotofunktionen, weiterhin ohne Creative-Commons-Lizenzen Das ist nicht so wichtig, weil Facebook Fotos eine andere Funktion als Flickr erfüllt.
- OkCupid Demystifies Dating With Big Data "Unlike some of the more widely used, proprietary, analytic tools, programs written in R can handle the larger and more complex data sets generated by OkCupid’s growing base of users. That makes R a good choice for data scientists who are interested in pushing the envelope of traditional statistical analysis."
- Twitter Kills the API Whitelist: What it Means for Developers & Innovation "Instead of granting whitelisting to make advanced research and analytics possible, writes Sarver, developers will need to contact Gnip, a reseller of Twitter data."
- Este Eindrücke von Newsgrape
- assoziation: von bleiernen zeiten und ihrem dahinschmelzen (2)
- Staatsfeind Wikileaks – Wie Julian Assange Politik und Medien herausfordert "Stark: “Hat Wikileaks einen legitimen Platz im Internet?” de Maiziere: “Ja”. “Ich finds nicht gut, aber wir halten das aus.” Stark: “Pressefreiheit für Wikileaks – Ja oder Nein?” de Maiziere: “Tendenziell würde ich Ja sagen”, aber ob die Weiterverbreitung von Information unter Pressefreiheit steht, “damit bin ich gedanklich immer noch nicht fertig”."
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