Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Now you can flattr charities
Gute Weiterentwicklung: "Subscribe to some of your favorite charities and know that you’ll automatically flattr each month.
And of course any verified charity accounts don’t pay the usual 10% fee." - If Copyright Is 'Property' Why Aren't People Outraged When The Gov't Seizes Content From The Public?
"It could be that, in general, most people simply don't, implicitly, view copyright as property. Or, it could be that many people don't quite understand copyright issues. I think a bigger issue might just be that most people simply don't understand the importance and value of the public domain. So, without realizing what they're losing, they don't recognize that works failing to move into the public domain is a bad thing." - 'Privacy' The Latest Tool Being Used For Censorship
"Privacy as a justification for censorship now crops up in several different, but related, debates: le droit a l'oubli, the idea that content (especially user-generated content on social networking services) should auto-expire, the idea that data collection by companies should not be retained for longer than necessary, the idea that computers should be programmed to "forget" just like the human brain. All these are movements to censor content in the name of privacy. If there weren't serious issues on both sides of the debate, we wouldn't even be talking about this." - The skill of strategy analysis: Uncovering company priorities
"those who live by the sword die by the sword: Building a business a certain way will, in the end cause it to perish by that way." - 3,000 Web APIs: Trends From a Quickly Growing Directory
"We’ve started to notice new APIs emerging where there is no corresponding service. Or, put another way, the service is the API and thus the company is an API." - Die Spackeria und die informationelle Selbstbestimmung
"Ja, die Spackeria, zumindest in Form von mir steht durchaus für informationelle Selbstbestimmung. Nur erkenne ich (sic!) aber an, das die iSb eben nicht beliebig weit ins Internet ausgedehnt werden und auch nicht als „Ich kann jedes von mir veröffentlichte Bit jederzeit und vollständig kontrollieren“ verstanden werden kann. Denn das funktioniert anno 2011 in letzter Konsequenz schlicht nicht, fragt Frau Streisand." - Vorratsdaten in Frankreich: Auch Passwörter werden gespeichert [3. Update]
"Am 25. Februar ist in Frankreich das Gesetz (eigentlich: Dekret) zur Umsetzung der Vorratsdatenspeicherungs-Richtlinie der EU beschlossen worden, die Veröffentlichung im Amtsblatt erfolgte am 1. März. Neben den bereits bekannten und in der Richtlinie genannten Daten wie IP-Adressen, Telefonnummern, Email-Adressen etc., aus denen man bereits unglaublich viel über die Teilnehmer erfahren kann, ist in letzter Sekunde die Liste der zu speichernden Daten um “Passwörter” (mots de passe) ergänzt worden." - Found Quotes, 4
"When you’re forced to be simple, you’re forced to face the real problem. When you can’t deliver ornament, you have to deliver substance. – Paul Graham" - tolle sachen die man mit atomstrom machen kann
- How Game Mechanics Will Solve Global Warming
- Microsoft sells 10M Kinects, wins Guinness Record in the process
"Microsoft’s Kinect motion control system for the Xbox 360 has surpassed 10 million units sold, with more than 10 million Kinect standalone games sold as well, the company announced today." - StumbleUpon Funding Another Sign of Its Rebirth
"StumbleUpon CEO Garrett Camp said the company plans to use the money to expand its content-discovery platform into mobile and even onto users’ televisions." - Marissa Mayer: 40% Of Google Maps Usage Is Mobile (And There Are 150 Million Mobile Users)
"Asked about whether it’s fair for Yelp and TripAdvisor to be included as part of Google’s local results, Mayer pointed out that they send a lot of traffic to these sites. “Would you let them use your review in their databases?” Mayer: Yes." - Going Cloud-Centric & Apple Free at SXSW, Thanks to CR-48
Too bad practically no one has a CR-48 :-( - Goodreads Buys Recommendation Service Discovereads
"Goodreads expects to have Discovereads integrated between two and three months from now." - ProxyTube: lädt gesperrte YouTube-Videos automatisch
"ProxyTube erkennt, ob es sich um ein gesperrtes Video handelt und switcht dann direkt auf eine Ansicht, die das YouTube-Video im Flow-Player von HideMyAss anzeigt." - With Tilt-Shift And A News Feed, Instagram Is Ready To Rock SXSW
- The Day of the Drone is Upon Us
- Ein Dogma muss kein Dogma sein
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