Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Al Franken Warns Of 'Outright Disaster' Over Net Neutrality"“[On today’s internet] you don’t need a record deal to make a song and have people hear it, or a major film studio for people to see your film, or a fancy R&D job. But the party may almost be over,” Franken said. “There is nothing more motivated than a corporation that thinks it is leaving money on the table. They are coming on the internet and wanting to destroy its freedom and openness. All of this is bad for consumers but an outright disaster for the independent creative community.”"
- 1UP: The importance of platforms, and how we’re extending ours"Because no other start-up should be expected to build up a venue database like that, we’ve made it available through the main foursquare API for anyone to use. Today, through the foursquare Venue Project, we’re breaking out the Venues API, making it available at high rate limits (so even the most popular apps can use it without worrying about hitting a limit), with simple “userless” authentication, new endpoints, and with clear guidelines for use."
- Sony’s war against user innovation"* Sony DMCA delayed disclosure of Sony BMG rootkit vulnerability * Sony threatens Aibo hobbyists for creating software that enables Sony’s Aibo robot dog to dance * Sony sues Connectix and Bleem to block software that allows gamers to play their PlayStation games on PCs * Sony attacks PlayStation “Mod Chips” and enforces a system of “region coding” * Sony sued Gamemasters, distributor of the Game Enhancer peripheral device, which allowed owners of a U.S. PlayStation console to play games purchased in Japan and other countries * Sony removes OtherOS option, removes Linux support * Sony is suing makers, hackers, and tinkers for jailbreaking of the PS3 to play homebrew games"
- Amazon grabs exclusive on Angry Birds Rio for Android phonesClever: Exclusive Apps im Amazon Appstore. Der Amazon Appstore wird noch interessant werden für das Android-System.
- What Egyptians learned from social media coordination, and how this can be used for further governance"The challenge and the opportunity now is to translate all of this into de-institutionalized institutions, structured decision making without structures, and dynamic frameworks of accountability that work over time and through space while avoiding Robert Michel’s “Iron Law” (of Oligarchy)."
- Angry Birds Revenue From Android, iOS Now Roughly Even, Rovio Says"We’re comparing a platform with primarily one-off revenue to a platform with continuous revenue. On iOS, Angry Birds monetizes mostly through paid downloads. Now that the app has seen about 100 million installs across all platforms, Rovio is not getting the same initial bump in paid download revenue from Apple’s app store. On Android, the company doesn’t offer paid Angry Birds apps, but sees recurring revenue from advertising."
- Apple sold close to 1 million iPad 2s in weekend: analysts (Reuters)Big numbers.
- While FarmVille players water their crops, Messenger climbs to #2 app on Facebook"Facebook chat from Messenger and Hotmail is by far the most popular feature of our partnership with Facebook. The number of minutes spent on Facebook chat from Messenger has grown nearly 25% since we made this feature available worldwide in Messenger at the beginning of February (and a few weeks ago, Facebook chat came to Hotmail users worldwide, too). Messenger now powers nearly 4 billion minutes of Facebook chat per month."
- Boost your self-hosted WordPress with Jetpack"With Jetpack, a new plugin from Automattic, people not on WordPress.com can now access features that depend on WordPress.com. Jetpack also provides convenience features that don’t use the cloud, but are now easier to install, or were unavailable as plugins before."
- HP: TouchPad kommt im Juni ab 499 Dollar, das 7 Zoll Tablet im September
- Taskmanagement: Wunderlist launcht Webanwendung"Seit Freitag steht nun auch die Software für Android-Smartphones sowie eine browserbasierte Variante von Wunderlist zur Verfügung."
- Wie Facebook eure Freunde vor euch versteckt – und wie ihr das ändern könnt"Scrollt bis zum Ende eures Newsfeeds/eurer Timeline und klickt auf “Optionen bearbeiten”. Ändert die Einstellung für “Zeige Beiträge von:” von “Freunde und Seiten, mit denen du am häufigsten interagierst” zu “Alle deine Freunden und Seiten.” Diese Einstellung kann man auch ändern, indem man auf der Startseite auf “Neueste Meldungen” klickt und dann den kleinen Pfeil, der rechts daneben erscheint."
- Warum das Geschäftsmodell der Filesharing-Abmahnungen rechtlich zweifelhaft ist
- 4chan founder: Zuckerberg is “totally wrong” about online identityUnd es scheint mal wieder niemand auf die Idee zu kommen, dass die Modelle 4chan und Facebook auch gut friedlich nebeneinander existieren könnten.
- Twitter Decides To Kill Its Ecosystem: How Not To Run A Modern Company"The company may get away with this in the short-term, but this is a hugely risky long term move that seems to have a high likelihood of backfiring. Going against those who helped get you where you are is a very dangerous move. For a company that used to seem so welcoming, it's a pretty rapid about face."
- Bring me stuff that's dead, please"Only when an innovation is dead can the real work begin. That's when people who are seeking leverage get to work, when we can focus on what we're saying, not how (or where) we're saying it."
- 8 Vorschläge zur Stärkung der Öffentlichkeit
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