Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Not A One-Trick Pony? Three Key Numbers Google Really Wants Us To Know "Display ad run rates, YouTube monetizable views, and mobile revenues. All three numbers are in the billions, Rosenberg noted."
- The Evernote-Livescribe Connection wow.
- Der Andere und ich Jetzt habe ich Kopfschmerzen.
- Keynes und die Transaktionssteuer
- Add Game Mechanics To Your Site In Five Minutes With BigDoor "With this new service, the BigDoor platform will custom generate the code site owners need to to create virtual economies including defining site currency, defining transactions, defining virtual goods and well as building badges and providing analytics.
In the same modularized gaming space as Badgeville and OneTrueFan, BigDoor’s customized widget implementation allows you to “add game mechanics to your site in less than five minutes,” according CEO Keith Smith." - anwortantwortantwort auf meine buchfrage Wenn Sascha Lobo rantet, dann richtig.
- Instagram: Von 0 auf 100.000 Nutzer in 6 Tagen Bemerkenswerte Geschwindigkeit, die Startups heute aufnehmen können.
- Chilean Miner Rescue Becomes Most-Watched Ustream Event Ever
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