- Twitter springt zu kurz mit @anywhere
- "Twitter ist sich unschlüssig, wie sie mit API und externen Entwicklern umgehen sollen, denn mit jedem Release werden Features implementiert, die vorher bereits von externen Entwicklern getestet wurden, anstatt den Entwicklern dauerhaft eine Plattform für ihre Tools zu bereiten." - Study finds 55 percent of newspaper stories are placed
- Twitter Announces @Anywhere Platform
- " This new platform will allow publishers to integrate Twitter deeper into their site and recreate the "open, engaging interactions" their readers expect from using Twitter "without sending them to Twitter.com."" - Hal Varian Is Right: Newspapers Need to Engage
- "As Varian notes in his presentation, newspapers also spend comparatively little time looking at what brings people to their pages, what they are searching for and reading and recommending and commenting upon, all of which provides incredibly detailed and useful audience information. It’s like a retailer not paying attention to what his or her customers are buying, or how much they pay, or what they say about a product – but instead, just putting on the shelves whatever he or she wants to sell." - Deutschlandfunk: Freie Fahrt für Filesharer? – Guter Beitrag, seltsamer Teaser
- Das Netz denkt nicht
- "Bei Schirrmacher mischt sich die fast hysterische Prophetie des anstehenden Untergangs interessanterweise mit seinem jahrelangen, dankenswerten Bemühen, die aktuellen wissenschaftlichen und technischen Diskurse aus den USA bei uns heimisch zu machen. Die FAZ und ihr Herausgeber sind hier fraglos kompetent. Und was wäre, wenn die Überforderungsrhetorik nur inszeniert wäre – und hinter ihr der Versuch einer Selbstermächtigung als Deutungs- und Orientierungsinstanz steckte? Nach dem Motto: Wenn alle überfordert sind, sind wir möglicherweise gerade die Richtigen, den anderen zu sagen, wie’s jenseits der Gefahr weitergeht. Das wäre – reine Spekulation …" - Facebook Firehose May Be Released at Developer Conference F8
- "Facebook plans to announce the availability of a firehose of user data at its F8 developers conference in April, we believe based on research. Such an offering could be similar to the firehose that Twitter has shared with large partners and select small developers building the famous Twitter ecosystem of 3rd party applications around the web. A Facebook representative did not offer a denial, saying only that the company would not comment on speculation." - Big Changes Are Coming to Digg: More Power to Publishers, Less Power to Top Diggers
- "On the new Digg, every user will get a personalized homepage which will be populated with stories that are popular among this user's friends and relate to topics this user has expressed interest in. This personalized homepage will become the default Digg frontpage for all users who have signed in to Digg. Users who are not signed in will still see the old Digg homepage." - Top Ten Must Read Books for Web Entrepreneurs
- Teil der digitalen Veränderung sein
- Google Maps: Touristen können Hotels jetzt direkt bewerten
- Schutz von Daten und Privatsphäre interessiert nur noch Generation 40+
- The nuances of European social media
- "Sysomos has shown that London is the captial of Twitter (in fact, it could be argued it’s the social media captial of the world), and more recent data from Neilsen shows that people in the UK and Italy spend more time on social networks each month than those in the US" - Facebook Looks To Enable Foursquare, Gowalla, And Other Location Services
- "By integrating with Foursquare, Gowalla, Loopt, Whrrl, or whatever location based services a user prefers, Facebook will be able to collect more information about their user base while simultaneously providing a growth platform for location based service (LBS) developers." - The Future of Book Publishing Business Models
- Google Is Working On Letting Users Link Their Gmail And Google Apps Accounts
- Lena Meyer-Landruth – Die Deutschen lieben Facebook
- "Die Fanpage von Lena Meyer-Landruth, der Siegerin von “Unser Star für Oslo“, hat mittlerweile über 28.000 Fans." - Geheime Kommandosache – Der Kampf gegen Online-Piraterie
- Print Mindset vs. Internet Mindset: Do You Link? Do You Credit Sources?