16. Sep. 2010 Lesezeit: 2 Min.

Lesenswerte Artikel 16. September 2010

Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:

  • Hunch Exports Taste Graph Via API, Business Model Emerges "Recommendation engine Hunch is rolling out partnerships with seven large sites to provide personalized recommendations for their products, services, or content. Interactive Corp’s Gifts.com, Bluefly, Buzzfeed, Heyzap, ShopStyle, Milo and FanBridge are the initial partners, and Hunch says more will be announced shortly."
  • OAuth 2.0 (without Signatures) is Bad for the Web "Without signatures, OAuth 2.0 cannot safely support discovery. It is a waste of time and a risky business. Clearly, the OAuth community today does not care enough about discovery and interoperable services to do something about it. The cryptographic solutions proposed so far are focused on self-encoded tokens and other distributed systems, based on narrow use cases promoted by the likes of Google, Microsoft, and a few other enterprise-focused companies.

    Without discovery, smaller companies will have a harder time getting their services accessible (e.g. when importing your address book from any provider, not just the big four)."
  • The Next “Facebook Platform” for the Modern Web, and Why Twitter’s Running the Wrong Way "Facebook is moving from the walled garden approach out into the open web.  Twitter, it seems, is moving in the complete opposite direction, which seems perplexing." In der Tat.
  • Wikio vernetzt die europäische Blogosphäre "Wikio hat mit “E-Blogs” ein ehrgeiziges Projekt ins Leben gerufen, das die europäische Blogosphäre vernetzen will. Professionelle Übersetzer übersetzen ausgewählte Texte verschiedener Blogs in Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch und Italienisch."
  • Tradition verschmilzt mit Start-up: Ritter Sport steigt bei chocri ein
  • Google Me is confirmed for fall. Social “layers” incoming. "According to Eric Schmidt of Google, the service that we’ve all been waiting to see will start rolling out this fall. Google Me is coming, and will happen via a “social layer” added over the top of search, video and Google Maps."
  • ★ What’s Next for Nokia? "Nokia’s problem — and I’ve heard this same story from at least half a dozen former and present Nokia employees who read DF — is that their handset business is fundamentally based around hardware teams. When they decide to make a phone, they put together a hardware team for that model, and that team makes all decisions. That’s why they have no cohesive software strategy. Nokia sees software as one component in a hardware-based view of the industry."
  • Tip: Just the text, please! Oh, großartig: "Alongside the common Ctrl-V keyboard shortcut for "paste", Google Chrome supports a similar shortcut, Ctrl-Shift-V, for "paste as plain text". (And it’s Command-Shift-Option-V on a Mac.)"
  • Die Debattenkultur bei Zeit Online und Sueddeutsche.de – ein Vergleich Sehr lesenswert.
  • Media Markt verschiebt Online-Start auf unbestimmte Zeit

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Marcel Weiß
Unabhängiger Analyst, Publizist & Speaker ~ freier Autor bei FAZ, Podcaster auf neunetz.fm, Co-Host des Onlinehandels-Podcasts Exchanges
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