Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Instagram Unveils Realtime API With Foodspotting, Fancy, Momento, Flipboard, About.me And Others small pieces loosely joined.
- Die „Facebook-Revolution“ – Gedanken zum Einfluss des Internets auf politische Umbrüche Lang aber lesenswert.
- “Praibashii” oder: Privacy eine westliche Erfindung? "The concept of privacy is also absent in many non-Western cultures, notably Japan. Lacking an indigenous word to describe this quality, the Japanese have adopted an English one — praibashii."
- How did WordPress win? "One thing rarely cited by the outside world, probably because it was not visible or apparent to anyone, was the systematic targeting of high profile brands to switch from using any competing platform to using WordPress. In fact, in the four years I was at Six Apart, if I had a dollar every time a significant and loyal TypePad and Movable Type customer confided in me that an employee of Automattic cold called them to encourage and entice them to switch to WordPress I would have quit a rich man. Automattic would extend whatever services it could, at no expense to the customer, getting them to switch. They would give away hosting services. They would freely dedicate engineers to the task of migrating customers' data from one system to another. They would do whatever it took to move people to WordPress."
- Quora vs. StackExchange: Why, Joel, Why? "The identity wars are already over. Facebook won, Twitter snagged the silver medal, and OpenID lost. Log In With Facebook and their associated Open Graph have succeeded so thoroughly that Facebook increasingly defines users’ online identities across a whole panoply of sites. But who will define and codify our online reputations? That’s a question whose answer will matter – a lot."
- Despite 861.5 Percent Growth, Android Market Revenues Remain Puny "Apple App Store revenues came in at an estimated $1.7 billion in 2010, almost 20 times bigger than Android. And Apple App Store revenue grew at a not-too-shabby 131.9 percent rate. More importantly, Apple accounts for 83 percent of the total estimated app store revenues."
- ByeBlogLog MyBlogLog ist noch online? Wow.
- vollblutjournalismus
- LAN-Party: "Counterstrike" im Bundestag
- You Won't Believe All The Shady Things Going On In The App World -- A Q&A With AppsFire (AAPL, GOOG, MSFT) "iOS, Android, Windows Phone 7... They all have the same problem. The app stores are built like e-commerce catalogs. And catalogs are painful to browse, they're not personalized and they are not built for discovery. The same exact problem happened with music and movies."
- Video: Marshall McLuhan Lecture mit Mark Surmann "Im Rahmen der transmediale11 gab es in der kanadischen Botschaft einen Seiten-Event, wo Mark Surmann, Geschäftsführer der Mozilla Foundation, im Rahmen einer “Marshall McLuhan Lecture” über die Bedeutung eines Offenes Netzes gesprochen hat: Media, Freedom and the Web."
- "Man darf nicht bescheißen!"
- Angry Birds, Here! Angry Birds, There! Eine neue Marke.
- Anhörung im Kulturausschuss: “Es ist ein Mythos, dass sich mit Online-Journalismus kein Geld verdienen lässt” "Die Behauptung einer umfassenden Umsatzkrise im Online-Journalismus wurde als Mythos entlarvt. Spiegel Online erklärte, man “finanziere sich sehr erfolgreich”. Zeit Online berichtete von 50 Prozent Umsatz- und Leserwachstum gegenüber dem Vorjahr."
- Die Erpresser aus den Fachverlagen "Die Erpresser sind sich nicht zu schade, offen mit Sanktionen zu drohen. Meist sind es Verlagsleiter oder Anzeigenleiter persönlich. Sie schwadronieren von “Businessmodellen der Fachverlage”, die auf Anzeigenbuchungen basierten, von den steigenden Kosten für Druck und Vertrieb der Hefte, von Fairplay und Win-Win-Situationen und zögern schließlich keine Sekunde damit, einen Satz wie den folgenden rauszuhauen: “In diesem Sinne haben wir [UNTERNEHMEN] bis auf weiteres auf Redaktionstopp gesetzt und werden solange keine Beiträge Ihres Hauses mehr annehmen, bis sich die Strategie Ihres Hauses wieder geändert hat.”"
- Can Square make money with its new pricing? "Jack has talked about making payments more social. We haven't seen any of that yet, but I think we will once they get more traction among merchants."
- Facebook nimmt Europas Portalen die Nutzer weg Wenig überraschend.
- Chrome 10 Now Lets Extensions Run in the Background [Updates] "This feature actually has quite a few neat possibilities. For example, it also allows Chrome apps to load content in the background too, so apps can update in real time even when they're not open. That means in theory, something like Mint—which is right now, just a bookmark to Mint.com in the Chrome Web Store—could load all that information in the background, ready for you when you open it up, no waiting required."
- Crowdfunding 2010
- Street View: “Was bei Anderen erlaubt ist, soll bei Google verboten werden”
- Tumblr Unveils Leader Board & Topic Navigation "Tumblr, one of if not the largest blogging and curation platform on the web, today launched a new way to explore content by topic and discover the most popular Tumblr users on the hot topics of the day. Called Tumblr Explore, the feature is intended to make the huge quantity of content on the site easier to navigate and new content easier to discover. The company also framed the feature in its announcement as a way for users to get more readers on their own blogs."
- 5 assumptions about social search "Social search makes five assumptions that may or may not turn out to be accurate"
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