26. März 2010 Lesezeit: 3 Min.

Lesenswerte Artikel - 26. March 2010

  • Incredible StartPage Customizes Google Chrome's New Tab Page [Downloads]
    - "Google Chrome extension Incredible StartPage changes the start page to a three-panel view of your your favorite bookmarks, closed tabs, customizable color schemes, and a place to quickly add notes and send them to Gmail."
  • Wishful Thinking And Misinterpreting Surveys Won't Save The News Business
    - "Perhaps the most common mistake that paywall supporters make is forgetting that people haven't paid for the news in 180 years. Newspaper readers used to pay for paper, ink, trucks and delivery boys—and often barely paid enough to cover that bill. Now they pay for internet connections instead."
  • Wordpress iPhone App Gets Geotagging
    - "While the iPhone app supports both Wordpress.com and self-hosted WordPress blogs, users with self-hosted blogs won't see any advantage in geotagging their blogs until WordPress releases its own geotagging plugin in a few weeks."
  • 9 Social Media Topics that Need To Die
    - "quit bastardizing the term ROI and using cryptic, fluffy interpretations of it in order to avoid admitting that you don’t understand it, or to dodge the whole measurement and accountability issue altogether. If you’re using vague ROI arguments to stand in for what’s really a lack of a business case, you have work to do on explaining why you care about social media in the first place."
  • Report From The Field: ACTA Negotiations Not Going Well
  • MIDIPad Turns Your iPad Into A Multi-Touch MIDI Controller
    - "It looks like iPad music software may get interesting fast."
  • Stickiness is bad for business
    - "The revenue gap between sites like Facebook and Google should narrow over time.  Cost-per-click search ads are extremely good at harvesting intent, but bad at generating intent.  The vast majority of money spent on intent-generating advertising — brand advertising — still happens offline. Eventually this money will have to go where people spend time, which is increasingly online, at sites like Facebook."
  • Bushido, der Tod des Autors und seine Auferstehung
    - "Projekte wie Danger Mouses »Grey Album« (ein Mashup aus dem Weißen Album der Beatles und Jay-Zs Black Album) oder Tom Caruanas »Magical Mystery Chambers« (Wu-Tang Clan vs. Beatles), wie ein Rick-Astley-Remix-Album werden unmöglich: Kunst, Satire und Parodie hängen vom Einverständnis des Zitierten ab.

    Dem liegt ein naturrechtliches Verständnis von geistigem Eigentums zugrunde: Immaterialgüter werden behandelt wie materielles Eigentum – aber während materielles Eigentum dadurch gekennzeichnet ist, daß es einem exklusiven Zugang unterliegen kann, sind Immaterialgüter gerade nicht knapp."

  • Google Go: Eine Programmiersprache entwickelt sich
  • Ein Hoch dem Podcast
    - Thomas Knüwer zählt seine Lieblings-Podcasts auf.
  • Facebook-Syphilis ist bloß Journalisten-Krätze
    - "Das Erstaunliche ist, dass die Medien sich überhaupt noch die Mühe geben, von einer realen Tatsache auszugehen, die sie dann verdrehen, verfälschen und übertreiben, anstatt sich gleich Geschichten komplett selbst auszudenken — wenn ihnen doch so offenkundig egal ist, ob es stimmt, was sie berichten."
  • JumpBox Jumps Ahead - Open Source as a Service on Amazon EC2
    - "Once you've created your JumpBox account and entered your AWS Security Credentials, you can launch a polished and easy to manage application with just a few clicks." Spannende Entwicklung.
  • How to Design the Perfect Lifestreaming Content Reader
    - "Ok, as I stated before I’d like to see more services (Google Reader, Delicious, Digg, etc.) incorporated adding a larger sample size based on my followers on those services. So I’ll demonstrate that by moving on to how this could be achieved by also applying this additional logic for videos. But also allow for not just links but also gestures made by those I follow on the source services. So as an example a tweet might link to a YouTube video, but also a friend may have favorited the video directly on YouTube, and yet another commented on it over at Digg."

    Sehr gute Ideen in diesem Artikel.
  • Soft in the Middle
    - "The products made by midrange companies are neither exceptional enough to justify premium prices nor cheap enough to win over value-conscious consumers. Furthermore, the squeeze is getting tighter every day."

    BWL-101 btw.
  • Der Tot von Reichweite (n basierten Geschäftsmodellen)
    - "Sollten euch in Zukunft Geschäftsmodelle über den Weg laufen die das erreichen des Break Even an eine bestimmte (i.d.R. hohe) Reichweite koppeln, dann sollte man sich zumindest Gedanken darüber machen, ob der Ansatz wirklich nachhaltig ist und Reichweite dazu führt Markteintrittsbarrieren zu errichten. Bei den Groupon Klonen ist das übrigens nicht der Fall."
Marcel Weiß
Unabhängiger Analyst, Publizist & Speaker ~ freier Autor bei FAZ, Podcaster auf neunetz.fm, Co-Host des Onlinehandels-Podcasts Exchanges
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