27. Aug. 2010 Lesezeit: 1 Min.

Lesenswerte Artikel 27. August 2010

Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:

  • Is Google Objective?
    "Once Google started buying content assets like YouTube, or building its own favored "owned & operated" properties like Google Finance or Places, there was no way that it would happily and objectively cede its own distribution power to its competitors (competitors who, before Google expanded into content, were partners in a happy ecosystem of search)."
  • Zuckerberg: “Guess What? Nobody Wants To Make Lists.”
    "He also spoke to the fundamental idea of friending someone and them accepting it as what they need to look toward going forward. He also believes the problem may simply come down to design. Again, the idea behind friend lists is correct in his mind — it’s just the implementation that isn’t."
  • TweetDeck’s Underground Project: Allowing TweetDecks To Talk To Nearby TweetDecks (TCTV)
    "Right now, the TweetDeck lab is working on several “stealth” ideas and although Dodsworth was generally vague during our off and on camera interviews, he seemed especially excited about the idea of allowing nearby TweetDecks to talk to each other."
  • Google Buzz API adds Track and some improvements
    "Let's say you're really interested in coffee and tea and would like to know every time someone talks about them. You've been able to do that for the web with Google Alerts. Now you will be able to do the same thing for Google Buzz with our latest feature: Track. Plus, you can restrict your search to a specific geographic area!"
  • Groupon Close to Half a Billion Dollars in Sales
    "Groupon, the web-powered group-buying service, says it’s been growing at an exponential rate over the past six months, and expects to end the year with as many as 25 million subscribers and $400 million in gross sales."
  • Anmerkungen zur Debatte um Google Street View
    "Die Diskussion um Google Street View ist geprägt von Halbwissen und der Verbreitung von Halbwahrheiten unter Ausschöpfung der gängigen Vorurteile. Panikmache ist gut für die Auflage, bzw. die Quote, also machen alle fröhlich mit, interviewen unbedarfte Rentner, pushen ein Nicht-Thema in das Sommerloch und zwingen dann auch noch die Politik zum Handeln, wo eigentlich gar kein Handeln erforderlich ist."

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Marcel Weiß
Unabhängiger Analyst, Publizist & Speaker ~ freier Autor bei FAZ, Podcaster auf neunetz.fm, Co-Host des Onlinehandels-Podcasts Exchanges
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