Lesenswerte Artikel vom 27. Mai 2010:
- The Half Truths of Mark Zuckerberg
- Zuckerberg: It’s Not About the Ads!
- Facebook: Jetzt wird es einfach…
- 10 Things You Need To Know About Today’s Facebook Privacy Changes
- Boom, Indeed: Apple Passes Microsoft In Market Cap
"Today, Apple has just passed Microsoft in market cap. Now, the stocks have been fluctuating quite a bit, so this could change before the market closes. But as of right now, Apple is ahead, and has been for the past few minutes." - Google Still Trying to Figure Out a Business Model for Video
"While Arora said there’s still plenty of innovation left to happen, results at YouTube have been improving over the last several quarters. The Google-owned online video site has been ramping up the number of videos it monetizes, and could pull in close to a billion dollars in revenue — and finally reach profitability — this year, according to analysts." - The wrong way to deal with privacy concerns
Der Macher von AdBlockPlus kritisiert das Google-Analytics-Plugin: "What weights more for me personally is the fact that a website can easily override the global variable. So if a webmaster is really insistent on having each single user counted, he can still do it even if some users have this add-on installed." - Google Exec Hints at Why Nexus One Was Leapfrogged by HTC Incredible, Evo 4G
"So the Nexus One isn't a failure so much as a casualty of the success of the next wave of Android smartphones. In a few months, I'm sure we'll be saying the same things about the Incredible and the Evo 4G." - Firefox Losing Early Adopters to Chrome - Will Mainstream Users Follow?
"The latest report from NetMarketShare puts Chrome at 6.73% market share, ahead of Safari on 4.72% and behind only IE (59.95%) and Firefox (24.59%)." - Daily Mail Steals Twitpics, Gets A Huge Bill For Unauthorised Use
- [Apps] Zeitvertreib für iPhone/iPod/iPad – Wurfmaschienen
- Deutsche Kachingle-Charts Vol. 2
"Die Gesamt-Zahl aller Seiten, die sich an Kachingle beteiligen ist von 131 auf 189 gestiegen. Kachingle hat das Medaillon auf deutsch übersetzt. Mit 36 Seiten sind etwa ein Drittel der Seiten in den Top100 deutsch, ein spanischer Blog ist dabei, die restlichen sind englischsprachig." - WELT und brand eins auf iPad verfügbar
- Vodafone senkt Datentarif-Preise fürs iPad 3G
- Journalismus im Netz: Warum Tageszeitungen von offenen Schnittstellen profitieren
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