Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- Ifeelgoods: Mit Facebook Credits (Kauf-)Anreize schaffen
Es wird langsam spannend mit Facebook Credits. - Gebt den Kindern das Kommando!
"Ist es also denkbar, dass wir in den kommenden Jahren in vielen Redaktionen eine eher absurde Situation erleben werden? Dass diejenigen, die eigentlich das Blatt, den Sender (zukunftsfähig) führen sollen, in Sachen Zukunftsfähigkeit möglicherweise sogar ihren Praktikanten unterlegen sind?" - Getauschte Songs sind 15,00 € wert
"Das Landgericht Hamburg hat die Vorstellungen der Musikindustrie, was illegal in Tauschbörsen eingestellte Musikstücke wert sind, zurechtgestutzt. Die Richter sprachen für zwei Musikaufnahmen jeweils 15 € Schadensersatz zu. Die Musikindustrie hatte 300 € pro Titel gefordert." - Apple Has Already Won the Flash-HTML5 War
"A majority of web video is now HTML5-ready, according to new research from MeFeedia, showing that web standards — and Apple — are winning the day when it comes to how video is delivered and viewed online. The research shows that the amount of video viewable in an HTML5 video player has doubled in the last five months and now accounts for 54 percent of all video content online." - Google Launches Smart Search for Places
- Why are travel sites like Expedia desperate to keep Google grounded?
"Travel is a huge part of e-commerce — worth around $80 billion a year, according to the Wall Street Journal report. ITA’s software handles around 65 percent of all e-commerce flight bookings, and travel advertising accounted for about 6 percent of all online advertising revenue, according to the coalition’s website, FairSearch.org. Stealing just a small slice of that — which Google probably already owns a large part of — represents a significant financial gain." - Digg: We Were Not Gaming Our Own Algorithm, Just Testing It
Das ist einfach nur eigenartig. - Vimeo Introduces Couch Mode: Leanback For Vimeo
- The BlackBerry Playbook lives
- Failcon Privacy Panel topic: why are location services ignoring these guys?
hm, interessant: "Let’s say we were using Loopt and that Dan wanted to let me know where he was. He checks in, and a crypto key that I have would let me unencrypt his location without letting Loopt see that. It’s actually a lot more complex than that, and you can see how it works on the paper they drew up."
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