Lesenswerte Analysen, Hintergrundberichte und interessante News:
- The antisocial movie
" Here is Zuckerberg telling the story in 2007: He posted to a web page the images of the art he should have studied, sent an email to his classmates offering a “study guide,” and watched as they distilled the essence of each piece. The punchline: Not only did Zuckerberg ace the final but the prof said the class as a whole did better than usual. I saw that as a perfect tale of social collaboration, a lesson in wikithink. The Social Network called it cheating. And right there lies the movie’s disconnect—not between Zuckerberg and friendship but between the movie and the new world it can’t comprehend but pretends to portray." - Stop Doing Yammer Time
"Our biggest source of interest is from unhappy IT professionals who are frustrated with Yammer's user acquisition model and high fees. Today, we're happy to announce the launch of our Yammer import tool, to help organizations migrate their social networking data out of Yammer and into a platform they control." - Why We Sold TechCrunch To AOL, And Where We Go From Here
Arrington über den Verkauf von TechCrunch: "The truth is I was tired. But I wasn’t tired of writing, or speaking at events. I was tired of our endless tech problems, our inability to find enough talented engineers who wanted to work, ultimately, on blog and CrunchBase software. And when we did find those engineers, as we so often did, how to keep them happy. Unlike most startups in Silicon Valley, the center of attention at TechCrunch is squarely on the writers. It’s certainly not an engineering driven company." - Hierwirdslustig – Erfolgsmodell Plagiat
"Funktional übernimmt @hierwirdslustig die Rolle eines Aggregators, die wir von vielen erfolgreichen Blogs kennen, wo es allerdings üblich ist, Quellen zu nennen. Sein Verhalten ist intransparent, da er diese Rolle nicht offensiv nach außen vertritt und Menschen, die ihn für den Urheber halten in diesem Glauben belässt." - AOL's Wild Acquisition Day Concludes With Thing Labs, Maker Of Brizzly
AOL im Shopping-Rausch. - Make The Revolution
"We have had an enormous and concerted act of social disobedience play out over the past half-decade, where millions have decided that the present regime of intellectual property law and corporate control over the way we communicate is no longer tenable. So, every day, with the click of a button, people from all walks of life are ignoring the law and protesting in public, simply by uploading content to YouTube or Facebook or anywhere else." - What the TechCrunch Deal Means to Me
Marshall Kirkpatricks Sicht auf den AOL-TechCrunch-Deal.
"Michael Arrington is incredible. Working for him was a life-changing experience and served me very well. It was also very, very stressful. We are very different people, with many different perspectives on the world, but I learned a whole lot from him about how to blog. I do not have any financial interest in TechCrunch, but the things I learned there have been essential to the rest of my young career." - Kongress “Öffentlichkeit & Demokratie”: Multitude im Internet – oder nicht?
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