Songbird 1.1 ist fertig -
- Wichtigste Neuerungen von Version 1.1 sind die Anzeige von Albumcovern und eine verbesserte MTP-Unterstützung.
- Daneben haben Nutzer mit dieser Version die Möglichkeit, einzelne Ordner zu beobachten. Werden Songs aus dem Verzeichnis gelöscht oder hinzugefügt, wird auch die Bibliothek automatisch angepasst.
Shirky on Coase, Collaboration and Here Comes Everybody
- (via hackr) - post by marcel
- Clay Shirky, author of Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations, talks about the economics of organizations with EconTalk host Russ Roberts. The conversation centers on Shirky's book. Topics include Coase on the theory of the firm, the power of sharing information on the internet, the economics of altruism, and the creation of Wikipedia.
How to Get a Job Using a Company's ORM - On Careers (
Guter Tipp für Bewerbungen
Using Lee’s methods to monitor a company, (i.e. Setting up Google and Yahoo alerts, RSS feeds and social media via tags) you can discover all sorts of problems or issues. Some of what you will find are simply rants by unruly customers, but others will give you a very clear picture of the topics that people inside the company SHOULD be discussing and working on.
Then, just like you were working on a term paper, study the issue and figure out what you would do to help the company fix it.
MeeHive wants to deliver smarter news aggregation » VentureBeat
- MeeHive is an interesting cross between Google News, Google Reader, and social news sites like socialmedian
Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Tools for Your Blog or Web Site
- Having your own hosted web domain has never been cheaper, or easier, with the vast array of free resources out there. Here are our ten favorite tools to help anyone launch and maintain their internet presence.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.