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Musikplayer/-suche, läuft mit youtube im Hintergrund - Papier selbst drucken
Hier finden Sie eine große Auswahl von kostenlosen Papieren zum selbst drucken. Egal ob Millimeterpapier, Logarithmenpapier oder ein Notenblatt.
100 Useful Search Engines for Chefs, Cooks and Food Lovers | Culinary School Guide
From recipes to ethnic foods to restaurants to local farmer’s markets to wine and beer, these search engines will help you find exactly what you want when it comes to creating and appreciating delicious food and beverages.
"Sky Is Falling" For Media Companies
“Clearly, the sky is falling,” says New York Times writer David Carr, regarding the bloodiest week for employees of media companies in recent memory. Here's a roundup of this week's bad media news
Alle Keynotes der Web 2.0 Expo Europe 2008 auf (via dotdean)
Twuffer - Schedule Twitter tweets.
We designed Twuffer for anyone who has a need to schedule pre-written, post-dated tweets.