Spotify und Bandpage arbeiten zusammen, um Musikern die Möglichkeit zu geben, mit geringem Zusatzaufwand Merchandise und andere Produkte ihren Fans anbieten zu können.
Hier die Bandpage-Spotify-Site.
*Promote your merch to more fans and increase sales
*Delight your fans by offering unique experiences
*It's easy — and free!
hypebot über die Kooperation:
in addition to traditional merch offers like t-shirts, musicians can profit from additional revenue streams like VIP experiences, secret shows and other exclusive direct artist to fan offers.
“We’re looking at this as ‘commerce on Spotify 2.0′,” BandPage CEO and founder J Sider told VentureBeat. “BandPage already offers over half a million artists the opportunity for new streams of revenue, and now they have access to sell merch and band-to-fan experiences to Spotify’s 40 million users.”
Sider explained that when deals go up on BandPage, they are already available across lots of other music services, such as Shazam, Rhapsody, YouTube, and others.
Man beachte auch die Entwicklung von Topspin, die im Artikel von Venturebeat noch einmal kurz skizziert wird. Kooperationen dieser Art sind nicht zwingend langfristig stabil.