3. Dez. 2012 Lesezeit: 1 Min.

Morgendliche Razzia und Beschlagnahmung eines Laptops einer Neunjährigen wegen Urheberrechtsverletzung

Techdirt via hackr über einen Fall in Finland:

However, the Internet account holder refused to pay which escalated things to an unprecedented level. In response, this week police raided the home of the 9-year-old suspect and confiscated her Winnie the Pooh laptop.

This kind of early-morning raid would be more appropriate for dealing with serious and dangerous criminals than 9-year-old girls (barely even mentioning that the girl’s father claims her attempts at downloading failed, leading them to go purchase the music legally anyway). Similarly, the fact that for such a trivial case the account-holder’s name and address were obtained from the ISP, and a search warrant issued, shows how out of control the law has become in this area

Der Winnie-the-Pooh-Laptop eines neunjährigen Mädchens wird in einer Polizeirazzia zu früher Stunde beschlagnahmt, weil das Kind versucht hat, einen Song illegal herunterzuladen.

Yep, das Problem mit aktuellem Copyright/Urheberrecht ist, dass es nicht hart genug durchgesetzt wird.

Der Vater des Mädchens hat sich mittlerweile außergerichtlich mit den Klägern geeinigt. Torrentfreak:

Despite criticizing the heavy handedness of the authorities and describing an anti-piracy group’s demands for cash settlement as “mafia-like”, the father of the child has chosen to pay up to make possible legal action go away. Anti-piracy group CIAPC says it is happy with the 300 euro cash payment.
Marcel Weiß
Unabhängiger Analyst, Publizist & Speaker ~ freier Autor bei FAZ, Podcaster auf neunetz.fm, Co-Host des Onlinehandels-Podcasts Exchanges
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