30. Aug. 2011 Lesezeit: 1 Min.

Offenheit + Vernetzung -> Vertrauen

Das Slate Magazine über die Vorteile von Offenheit im Verbund mit Vernetzung: Internet privacy: How network analysis can reveal details you would rather hide.:

Rather than be distressed about the increasing impossibility of privacy, perhaps we should instead consider the benefits of being more open. Hoffman mentioned that on LinkedIn, profile information becomes more trustworthy than a traditional paper résumé once a person's profile has at least 10 links, because people are less willing to stretch the truth in front of their friends and colleagues. This is the general trade-off we face: In exchange for giving up some of our privacy, we acquire more reliable information about one another.

Das ist aber erst der Anfang:

The cultural changes wrought by the Internet are not yet done, because our understanding as a society of exactly what information is on the Internet is not complete. The power of statistics and pattern recognition means that we've put much more information on the Web than we intended. As the Internet becomes more connected to the real world through video and other sensors, the chance for information leakage increases. One consequence is that some members of the younger generation have elected to give up on privacy entirely.

Noch einmal der Hinweis: Lesenswert zu diesem Themenkomplex ist das Blog von Michael Seemann.

(via @twittwoch)

Marcel Weiß
Unabhängiger Analyst, Publizist & Speaker ~ freier Autor bei FAZ, Podcaster auf neunetz.fm, Co-Host des Onlinehandels-Podcasts Exchanges
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