2. Aug. 2012 Lesezeit: 1 Min.

Quora macht sichtbar, wer welche Antworten gelesen hat

Q&A-Site Quora macht sichtbar, wer welche Antworten gelesen hat. AllThingsD:

Quora today is introducing a feature that shows which of its users have read each Quora post, and how they found it. It’s another move by a social Web service to share passive activities, making the simple act of looking at a page on Quora something that other people can easily trace.

“Views” is meant to make Quora more lively — users will now see real-time trending stories in their Quora feeds when multiple people they’re following have viewed a story.

The company told me it built the feature to help Quora contributors get a better idea of how their posts and public boards spread.

Zunächst habe ich mich gewundert, warum Quora dieses Feature einführt. Dann habe ich mich daran erinnert, dass Quora im eigentlich gesättigten Q&A-Markt so erfolgreich ist, weil sie sich auf den Antwortenden statt den Fragesteller konzentrieren. Und diese Funktion geht auch genau in diese Richtung.

Quora selbst bestätigt das:

“People on Quora are writing to be read,” Bodnick said. “What we’re telling you is that Quora is a distribution mechanism that works.”

Auch die Ausnahmen ergeben Sinn:

Though Views will be turned on by default for all Quora users starting today, it shares somewhat selectively. Quora only shows views that are referred from within its own service — so, from the main feed and its weekly digest emails. If users visit a page from a search engine or link on Twitter or Facebook, their views won’t be shared. Views to content in adult categories aren’t shared.

Quora bleibt einer der faszinierendsten, neueren Dienste dank einer bemerkenswert ausgeklügelten Informationsarchitektur.

Marcel Weiß
Unabhängiger Analyst, Publizist & Speaker ~ freier Autor bei FAZ, Podcaster auf neunetz.fm, Co-Host des Onlinehandels-Podcasts Exchanges
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