7. Nov. 2011 Lesezeit: 1 Min.

Songs von EMI mit Gewinnbeteiligung in Apps integrierbar


Sehr gute und interessante News von EMI: Das Plattenlabel kooperiert mit The Echo Nest für 'OpenEMI' und stellt Teile des eigenen Backkatalogs App-Entwicklern gegen Gewinnbeteiligung zur Verfügung:

The Echo Nest and EMI have created a 'sandbox' for application developers, hosted and managed by The Echo Nest, which offers developers creative briefs and opportunities to collaborate on building apps for EMI's artists including Gorillaz, Pet Shop Boys, Tinie Tempah, Professor Green, Eliza Doolittle, Chiddy Bang, The Japanese Popstars and many more to follow.

Revenues are shared between developers and rightsholders, and EMI will handle all licensing and clearance requirements, and marketing of the apps.

The developer sandbox also includes access to The Echo Nest's massive repository of music information, including over five billion data points about music, and one-of-a-kind developer tools including dynamic playlist APIs, open source audio fingerprinting, audio analysis, and remix software.

App-Entwickler erhalten so Zugriff auf über 12.000 Songs aus EMIs Backkatalog. EMI erhält 60 Prozent aus den Einnahmen, die restlichen 40 Prozent teilen sich The Echo Nest und der App-Entwickler. TechCrunch:

As part of the new initiative, Echo Nest and EMI have created a sandbox that offers developers creative briefs and a chance to play around in EMI’s bullpen of about 12,000 songs. Only 2K of these are from the general catalog, but precleared content will be offered from artists like Gorillaz, Pet Shop Boys, Professor Green, and several more. The pair have also worked out a standardized fee for these songs, which will see the label take 60 percent of net revenue, with the remaining 40 percent split between Echo Nest and developers, though Echo Nest says that developers should see the majority of that money.

Entwickler können sich für einen API-Key registrieren und App-Konzepte einreichen. Die Apps werden dann von EMI freigegeben (oder eben nicht).

The Echo Nest hatte zuletzt im Oktober 2010 7 Millionen US-Dollar erhalten.

Marcel Weiß
Unabhängiger Analyst, Publizist & Speaker ~ freier Autor bei FAZ, Podcaster auf neunetz.fm, Co-Host des Onlinehandels-Podcasts Exchanges
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