Google Music, um das seit letztem Jahr immer wieder Gerüchte umgehen, ist noch nicht gestartet, aber anscheinend ist die Technik bereits funktionstüchtig implementiert.
Einige Android-Nutzer haben es geschafft, Google Music abzurufen, bzw. die Möglichkeit, Musikdateien zu synchronisieren und zu streamen:
Users over on the XDA-Developers forum have managed to get Google Music sync working on their rooted Android phones, even though the service has not officially launched. This was accomplished by removing the stock music app that came with their Android phone and installing a different version instead - the one found in Honeycomb (Android 3.0), the tablet-optimized implementation of the Android mobile operating system.
After installation, the sync process began and, according to the first user to notice this phenomenon, the phone was now syncing music, too. His collection of music synced overnight, he said. By morning, an option to "Stream Music" became available from within the music player application.