Y Combinator ist ein sehr erfolgreicher Startup-Inkubator, der mit Seedfinanzierungen für Furore in der Technologie-Szene sorgt. Auf der diesjährigen Ausgabe der von Y Combinator veranstalteten, jährlich stattfindenden Startup School sprach auch der frühere Imeem-CEO Dalton Caldwell:
… WeiterlesenImeem raised over $50 million from investors including Sequoia Capital, acquired three companies,had a headcount of 95 and reached $24 million in yearly revenue runrate. But that was nowhere near good enough. Caldwell doubts any other startup can change the music industry either, picking apart ad-supported, subscription, download and other business models to prove his point.
“For the past few years, music startups have been money transfer funds,” Caldwell said, bringing money out of VCs’ pockets, into startups, and directly to the music labels through “quarterly minimum” payments and other extractions like settlements and advances.