Casi von hat anlässlich der aktuellen Klage von Apple gegen Samsungs noch einmal die Gizmodo-Vergleiche von Apples Design und dem Braun-Design hervorgeholt. Ein guter Punkt. Auch Apple lässt sich massgeblich inspirieren.
In der Klage heißt es unter anderem:
“Instead of pursuing independent product development, Samsung has chosen to slavishly copy Apple’s innovative technology, distinctive user interfaces, and elegant and distinctive product and packaging design, in violation of Apple’s valuable intellectual property rights.”
Apple klagt unter anderem wegen folgenden nachgebauten Merkmalen:
… Weiterlesena rectangular product shape with all four corners uniformly rounded;
the front surface of the product dominated by a screen surface with black borders;
as to the iPhone and iPod touch products, substantial black borders above and below the screen having roughly equal width and narrower black borders on either side of the screen having roughly equal width;
as to the iPad product, substantial black borders on all sides being roughly equal in width;
a metallic surround framing the perimeter of the top surface;
a display of a grid of colorful square icons with uniformly rounded corners; and
a bottom row of square icons (the “Springboard”) set off from the other icons and that do not change as the other pages of the user interface are viewed.