Gute kurze, wenn auch recht negative, Definition des Streams als Medium auf, no pun intended, Medium:
Streams exist in droves today: email, Twitter feeds, Facebook, BuzzFeed, Instagram, Pinterest, and Vine, to a certain extent. In the end, they all are facsimiles of the discontinuous, ever changing set of real-world streams of social interaction in the world at large. That is why using multiple social networks feels additive, and beneficial, instead of fragmented and exclusive.[..]
Facebook is one of the most successful historical examples of a stream. Arguably its news feed (and Twitter’s) served as the prototypical example of how to serve pseudo-infinite artifacts of change, in aggregate, to users in a way that emulated a personal dialogue while still working within the constraints of a largely asynchronous medium.
Die aktuellen Streammodelle sind nicht optimal auf Gespräche zwischen den Menschen ausgelegt ist.… Weiterlesen