Immer Dienstags erscheint an dieser Stelle eine kommentierte Übersicht zu den wichtigsten Entwicklungen und besten Analysen aus der Welt der vernetzten Geräte, dem 'Internet der Dinge'. Vernetzte Welt** kann per Email und per RSS-Feed abonniert werden.
Marktforschungsunternehmen CBInsights mit einer groben Grafik, die die verschiedenen Bereiche des Internets der Dinge aufgliedert und exemplarisch Unternehmen nennt:

Top-News: Neuigkeiten zu Apple HomeKit von der WWDC
We previously detailed Apple’s plans to introduce a new app for its HomeKit platform, and today the company officially took the wraps off the project. Through iCloud, the new app will offer users an interface for monitoring iOS-connected home automation accessories using Apple’s previously introduced HomeKit framework for developers. It will also allow for remote access control of the accessories, which we learned previously would require an Apple TV as a gateway device.
Smartwatches & andere Wearables
The Basslet überträgt Bass auf die Knochen
Heise über The Basslet, einen Midemlab-Gewinner:
Auch ein deutsches Start-up war unter den Gewinnern des Midemlab: The Basslet, ein Armband, das Bass auf die Knochen überträgt. Es sei eines der Dinge, die man ausprobieren müsse, um zu verstehen, was daran so besonders sei, erklärte CEO Daniel Büttner, der im Anschluss an seinen Vortrag eine lange Menschenschlange abzufertigen hatte.
Xioami weltweit zweitgrößter Wearablesanbieter dank Mi Band, Fitnesstracker für 15$

A report from IDC shows how Xiaomi has become the world’s second largest seller of wearables, when measured by shipments. The hot item? The Mi Band, a fitness tracker priced at $15.
Xiaomi hat 2014 insgesamt 12 Milliarden US-Dollar Umsatz gemacht.
Smart Home von Beratungsunternehmen Eridanis übernommen
Das ambitionierte und vielversprechende französische Smart-Home-Unternehmen wurde von Eridanis übernommen. Rude Baguette:
French IoT Startup announced that Eridanis, an consulting & strategy firm specialized in IoT product development, has taken a majority stake in its startup, a partnership which the two hope will enable them to provide B2B companies with IoT services in the future.
Grund war wohl auch hinter den Erwartungen zurückbleibende Marktentwicklungen und Produktverkäufe. Trotzdem ein erstaunlich früher Exit.
Analyst: Apple HomeKit 2020 mit 180 Millionen Geräten
Michael Wolf, ein Smart-Home-Analyst bei NextMarket auf Forbes:
By the end of this year, however, I expect Apple and its hardware partners to have the kinks ironed out, which will mean hundreds of different HomeKit device models from tens of manufacturers on store shelves by Christmas. Long term, we expect HomeKit to become one of the most important platforms for companies building connected devices for the home, to the tune of 180 million HomeKit enabled devices shipping annually by 2020.
Solche Vorhersagen sind in der Regel recht konservativ.
Analysen & Berichte
Cluster Dresden will bei IoT-Sensoren an die Spitze
Übrigens sieht man auch in Sachsen [im Segment der Sensoren für Wearables und co.] großes Marktpotenzial: Die Halbleiterexperten im Cluster Dresden hoffen, sich mit Multifunktions-Chips, die u.a. eben solche Sensoren für das „Internet der Dinge“ und die „Industrie 4.0“ integrieren, an die Spitze dieser Entwicklung setzen zu können. In diesem Kontext ist auch das geplante Nationale Leistungszentrum für Nanoelektronik zu sehen, das die Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft Mitte Juni in Dresden eröffnen will.
Grenzen von Beacons
Sean O'Sullivan auf O'Reilly Radar über den Einsatz von Beacons in zum Beispiel dem stationären Handel:
While "triggering alerts about pasta offers in the pasta aisle" sounds great (hey, we use that very example in our own marketing material for LocalSocial), it's not so great if you're juggling two screaming children and want to get in and out of the store as quickly as possible. Or, while a greeting as you cross the threshold of your favorite restaurant can be mildly delightful the first time you visit, unless the behavior and content then changes on subsequent visits to reflect that the restaurant knows this is your third time here this week, you'll start to look for the "off" button for that cute engagement.
So, without over-laboring the point: if you really want to use background notifications, think long and hard about what needs to happen to ensure you can create a delightful experience (best) or a net-positive experience (worst case) for your user. This means thinking about each engagement scenario: first visit, second time, multiple visits within the same hour, juggling kids, hands-full, and so on, and really ensuring that when you trigger a notification based on the user being near, it's going to have high relevance and not put you and your brand in the doghouse.
Vernetzte Geräte verändern den Sport- & Fitnesssektor
Gute Analyse und Ausblick auf Social Times:
That even goes for sports businesses that aren’t manufacturing connected devices like clothing or equipment with a sensor in it. If you operate a small driving range, a chain of fitness centers or a major league sports arena, you need to keep in mind that your customers are using IoT products or are connecting with professionals who do use them.
Die Erwartungen an Anbieter, die durch die Allgegenwärtigkeit von vernetzten Geräten entstehen, werden auch an zum Beispiel Fitnessstudios nicht vorbeigehen. Oder anders gesagt: Es enstehen gerade massive Differenzierungsmöglichkeiten.
Acer aBeing One soll bei Datenanalyse von vernetzten Geräten helfen
The problem that Acer wants to solve with the aBeing One is how to treat the huge data streams that are already starting to come from IoT devices. The aBeing One is targeted to help sift and sort that data intelligently.
Siehe auch Computerworld, welche von der Vorstellung von Acer aBeing One auf der Computex berichtet.
Chinas China Railway Construction Corp.
Quartz über CRRC, das Ergebnis des Mergers der zwei größten Eisenbahnhersteller Chinas:
CRRC was created to allow China, home to the world’s largest network of high-speed rail, to become more competitive when it exports rail technology and manufacturing. China, once a major importer of rail technology, wants to be a world leader in high speed rail, with projects that span the globe, focusing especially on emerging markets.
“It used to be that CSR and CNR were competing against Bombardier and Alstom; now it has become China versus everybody else,” Alexious Lee, who leads industrials research for CLSA, told Bloomberg. “China’s products may not boast high-end specifications, but they provide value for money.”
CRRC + Shenzhen-Unternehmen (+/- chinesische Unternehmen wie Xiaomi) = Neuordnung des ländlichen Transportwesens?
~ Übersicht über IoT ist eine Sammelstelle und Portal für vernetzte Geräte:
Find the best smart device that suits your needs.
Gut brauchbar für einen ersten, groben Marktüberblick einzelner Segmente. Siehe etwa den Bereich für Wettervorhersage.
Ubuntu + RIOT
Canonical verkündet Integration von Ubuntus Snappy Core ("the perfect system for large-scale cloud container deployments") mit dem IoT-OS RIOT:
RIOT’s motto is “if your tiny IoT device can’t run Linux, use RIOT” – it provides Linux-like programming if IoT apps on low-powered devices but, until now, was missing an appealing user interface (UI). Now, in combination with ‘Snappy’ Ubuntu Core, RIOT can feature a user-friendly UI that will allow easy management and integration of IoT devices in existing networks.
Mehr zu RIOT auf der offiziellen Website.
IoT vs. new hardware movement
O'Reilly Radar versucht IoT und die neue Hardware-Bewegung von einander zu trennen:
The new hardware movement is driven by new tools for:
The IoT is driven by:
The impact of the new hardware movement goes well beyond electronics and touches any industry that produces physical goods: it won’t be long before we see cars developed in an agile manner. On the other end of the spectrum, the new hardware movement is a primary enabler of the Maker movement; its accessible prototyping tools have become a popular hobbyist pastime.
IDC: IoT wächst bis 2020 auf 1,7 Billionen $
IDC mit einer neuen Marktstudie zu IoT:
The Internet of Things (IoT) continues to gain momentum as vendors and enterprises begin to embrace the opportunities this market presents. According to new research from International Data Corporation (IDC), the worldwide Internet of Things market will grow from $655.8 billion in 2014 to $1.7 trillion in 2020 with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.9%.
"While wearable devices are the consumer face of the Internet of Things, and where recognition of IoT appears to begin, the real opportunity remains in the enterprise and public sector markets," said Vernon Turner, senior vice president and research fellow (IoT), Enterprise Systems. "The ripple effect of IoT is driving traditional business models from IT-enabled business processes to IT-enabled services and finally to IT-enabled products, which is beginning to disrupt the IT status quo."
Unwired Labs’ LocationAPI allows developers to instantly locate any smartphone or Internet of Things (IoT) device.