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thethings.IO erhält 250.000€
Das in Barcelona sitzende thethings.IO hat in einer Finanzierungsrunde 250.000€ von Business Angels erhalten.
TechCrunch über thethings.IO:
The startup’s cloud layer offers analytics, storage, APIs and tools for managing and monitoring connected devices, interoperability with other IoT devices, and, generally, the promise of faster deployment and performance to help devs and corporations get connected devices up and running more quickly. (...)
thethings.iO was founded two years ago, and has around 2,500 registered users and 10 paying customers at this stage, according to Pous. “We have customers mainly in Europe at the moment and are starting contacts in Asia,” he notes. It will also shortly (with a matter of weeks) be looking to monetize “DIY users” — who will be able to purchase a minimum of 1 license for €1 per device per year, he adds. ist ein Startup von wayra, Telefónicas Startup-Accelerator.
Smart Cities: OpenDataSoft erhält 1,5 Mio €

Open Data API startup OpenDataSoft has raised €1.5 Million from Aurinvest. The startup, founded in 2011, has already enabled cities like Paris, Brussels & Toulouse, as well as large corporations like EDF, Keolis & ERDF as well. Outside of the Francophone regions, OpenDataSoft signed its first American & Australian clients this year.
Mehr zum Unternehmen auf der offiziellen Website.
Internet der Dinge könnte Bienen vor Aussterben retten
Gemalto’s M2M unit is developing an ambitious project with agricultural science firm Eltopia and the University of Minnesota. The objective: to save the honeybee from extinction
Working alongside Spivak and Eltopia, Gemalto has assisted in the design and deployment of MiteNot, a smart beehive frame specifically designed to monitor and manage the internal temperature of the hive in which it is installed. (...)
In fact, the idea of heating up beehives to combat Varroa destructor, but leaving the bees and their broods undisturbed, has been around since the 1970s, when it was developed in the former East Germany and Czechoslovakia.
“However, this process must be closely monitored, and because beehives are often remote and certainly have no Wi-Fi, M2M came to mind,” says Kube.
BeagleCore aus Köln
Das Projekt BeagleCore aus Köln hat sich jetzt auf die Fahnen geschrieben, dieses Profil zu schärfen: Ihr nur 32 mm × 49 mm großes Board soll die kompletten Kernfunktionen des BeagleBone Black bieten und mit diesem vollständig kompatibel sein. Damit zielt der Hersteller auf den professionellen Markt: Das miniaturisierte Board soll sich vor allen in Geräten nützlich machen, die sich zum vielbeschworenen Internet der Dinge vernetzen.
IoT-Sicherheit ist eine komplexe Herausforderung
The potential for costly IoT security breaches is significant.
So this is perhaps the biggest IT challenge of the next decade. Academics agree; according to a recent IBM Center for Applied Insights studies, IoT security is one of the top priorities as they educate the next generation of security leaders.
Chinas "Internet Plus"
China’s “Internet Plus” action plan will integrate mobile Internet, cloud computing, big data and the Internet of Things with modern manufacturing, to encourage the healthy development of e-commerce, industrial networks, and Internet banking, and to help Internet companies increase their international presence, Li said.
The campaign is very important in creating a new engine for economic growth, said Premier Li.
Bosch über Smart Cities
In both of these cases, the use of sensors offers people hardly anything in the way of benefit. They don’t have a way to take action themselves. But linking these areas would create additional benefits. You could, say, inform people about alternative modes of transportation (bus, train, e-bike, etc.) when there is a smog warning or heavy traffic. Everyone can then decide for themselves if they want to use these alternatives or not. This means they have the opportunity to actively participate in what happens in the city (the traffic or dust pollution). Both sides benefit: people get where they’re going faster, and the city can report better environmental values or traffic density. You could also apply connectivity to the parking situation. If too many parking spaces in the city have already filled up, you could suggest that people take alternative routes with public transit. People decide for themselves how to “use” the city and move about within it. Using the city more intelligently also makes them more responsible for how they do so.
Nutzungsbasierte Versicherungen
Report von Business Insider über usage based insurance (UBI) also nutzungsbasierte (sprich auf Überwachung mit Trackern aufsetzende) Versicherungen:
Auto insurers are the leading adopters of UBI insurance models. By 2020, over 50 million US drivers will have tried UBI insurance, according to our estimates.
Healthcare insurers are giving customers free fitness trackers and offering lower premiums or other benefits for meeting daily exercise goals.
Wie Apple Watch die Nutzung des iPhones beeinflusst
Ben Bajarin hat eine Apple Watch und hat die Nutzung mit Watch und iPhone testweise einer Woche ohne Watch gegenübergestellt:
I had been using an app called Moment, which tracks your iPhone usage each day and how many times you pick the phone up, turn the screen on and look at it. While I didn’t see my iPhone usage in terms of hours per day decline during the week without the Apple Watch, I did see a significant drop in the number of times I looked at it. The average number of times I picked up and looked at my phone my last week with the Apple Watch was 74. This last week without the Apple Watch my average number of daily pickups was 102.
Panasonic Smart Home
Panasonics Smart-Home-System setzt nicht auf WiFi:
Panasonic's system offers a range of components that all link to a central hub using DECT ULE.
Panasonic claims this is more secure than Wi-Fi, as it won't be detected when scanned for with any Wi-Fi device you might have. It also has a range of 300m, so can cover outbuildings too, like your shed.
The system consists of cameras, sensors, plugs, motion detectors and sirens and will be available in a number of kits.
ZTE und Mobilfunkanbieter MTN bauen IoT-Plattform für Afrika
Aus der Pressemitteilung:
ZTE, global tätiger Anbieter von Telekommunikationsausrüstung sowie Technologielösungen für Unternehmen und Privatverbraucher im Bereich Mobiles Internet, hat gemeinsam mit dem führenden IKT-Anbieter MTN Group eine Plattform für das Internet der Dinge (Internet of Things, IoT) in Afrika eingeführt. Die innovative Plattform ist mit hochmodernen Technologien ausgerüstet, die für Entwicklungsmärkte geeignet sind und eine flexible Vernetzung von Geräten in dieser Region ermöglichen. ZTE und MTN haben ferner eine weltweite SIM-Karte für Machine-to-Machine (M2M)-Anforderungen eingeführt, bei der die Kunden einen Pauschaltarif für die M2M-Aktivität im afrikanischen Netz von MTN zahlen.