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Wearables, die Smartphones weniger alltagsinvasiv machen
The New York Times über Wearables (und andere Ansätze), die Smartphone-Zeit minimieren (sollen):
“Technology has evolved so quickly that we have spiraled out of control and nobody has stopped to think about how this is going to impact our lives,” said Kate Unsworth, the founder of a British company, Kovert, that also makes high-tech jewelry to filter out everything but the most urgent stuff.
Many of these distraction-reducing products fall into the growing “wearable technology” niche. Smartwatches like the Apple Watch are designed to encourage more glancing and less phone checking. Last month Google and Levi’s announced plans for a line of high-tech clothes that will allow people to do things like turn off a ringing phone by swiping their jacket cuff.
“If there is a chance to enable the clothes that we already love to help us facilitate access to the best and most necessary of this digital world while maintaining eye contact with the person we’re eating dinner with, this is a real value,” said Paul Dillinger, Levi’s head of global product innovation.
Acer Liquid Leap+: Smartwatch mit Fitness-Schwerpunkt
..oder Fitnesstracker mit Smartwatch-Funktionen, je nach Blickwinkel.
Aktuell für 99$ in den USA erhältlich (und kurz sogar für 79$):
The Liquid Leap+ combines fitness tracking with some smartwatch capabilities, giving you the best of both worlds in a single device. From the Liquid Leap+ you will be able to control your music, be notified of incoming emails and text messages, as well as track your fitness and sleep.
The Liquid Leap+ features a capacitive touch screen that lets you navigate through the functions, and the battery is shown to last for 120 hours of run time or 240 hours of standby time per charge. With its IPX7 waterproof capabilities, the Liquid Leap+ can be used in just about any situation you would want.
Misfit Flash Link: Fitnesstracker für 19$
Misfits Flash Link hat neben dem niedrigen Preis eine interessante App-Verknüpfung:
Priced at $19, the Flash Link adds a smart button that allows you to control features of its new Link app. Some of the features include:
- Track Activity + Sleep
- Take A Selfie
- Control Your Music
- Turn Lights On or Off
- And much more in store!
Siehe auch TechCrunch.
Die Rettung einfacher Wearables vor der Übernahme durch ausgewachsene Smartwatches könnte eine Funktionsauslagerung in zugehörige Apps sein.
Moov stellt Moov Now vor, 59$, besserer AI-Trainer
Es geht um das gesamte Erlebnis, nicht nur die Hardware:
A coach, in the voice of Siri, instructs you while you work out and makes suggestions on how to improve your form. If you prefer listening to music while you exercise, Moov integrates with Spotify so your music fades in and out when the coach is speaking to you.
After you work out with the band a couple of times, your coach automatically places you on a level. Running, for instance, has 69 different levels and five programs tailored to different goals, like burning calories, correcting form, or increasing speed.
Microsoft Band unterstützt jetzt 'Web-Apps' auf RSS-Basis
Nichts sensationelles, aber interessant, dass Microsoft überhaupt an die Integration von RSS denkt und es auch umsetzt:
Microsoft is now making it even easier to build apps for the Band by allowing anyone to create RSS-powered web tiles. The tiny apps will pull data from an ATOM or RSS feed and display the content on the Microsoft Band.
You can create the web tiles through an online site that just requires an icon file and an RSS feed.
Marketingfotos von Nokias Smartwatch aufgetaucht
Nach der Übernahme von Microsoft eingestampft. Wahrscheinlich weil der addressierbare Markt bei der geringen Zahl an Windows Phone-Geräten die Investition nicht wert gewesen wäre? Schade.

Smart Home
Energieunternehmen British Gas stellt Smart-Home-Geräte vor
U.K. energy supplier British Gas is making good on its recent acquisition of smart home platform provider AlertMe.
Hive, the company’s connected home brand, has unveiled its ‘next generation’ smart thermostat, upgraded features for the Hive app, and — perhaps most noteworthy — a pipeline of soon-to-be-launched smart home products covering lighting, plugs, motion detection, and door and window sensors.
Erfahrungen mit Amazon Echo
Business Insider-Autor Steve Kovach über seine Eindrücke von Amazon Echo:
I’m no audio expert, so I won’t even attempt to dive into the technicalities of the Echo’s acoustics. But I did like how the Echo could fill my entire living room with sound even though it’s a relatively tiny device.
When you couple that with the wow factor of just asking a gadget to play what you want to hear, the Echo becomes a delightful way to listen to music. (..)
It’s already an amazing, intelligent music player today, but it also has the potential to evolve into the hub for everything electronic in my home.
It’s that potential that makes the Echo an amazing value. It’s worth the $180 for the music features alone, and the fact that it’s going to get a lot better makes it a steal.
Analysen & Berichte
M2M-Verbindungen in China
Aus dem Executive Summary einer GSMA-Studie zu Maschine-zu-Maschine-Verbindungen in China(PDF):
China leads the world in the adoption of M2M services, with 74 million connections at the end of 2014, representing almost a third of the global base. GSMA Intelligence forecasts this figure will grow at a compound annual rate of 29% to reach 336 million by 20201, helping the country achieve its goal of building out an extensive Internet of Things (IoT).
Die (in der Studie offen ausgesprochene) Implikation: China ist eine enorme Chance Skaleneffekte auf Produktions- wie Netzwerk-/Systemseite.
Sichtbar werden die volkswirtschaftlichen Nebeneffekte einer IoT-Politik unter anderem an diesem Zitat zum vernetzten Automobil:
Volvo believes the Chinese government’s drive to create smarter cities will give the connected car market a further fillip. “the Shanghai government has already setup the Public new energy Vehicle remotely monitoring centre to track and serve new energy Vehicles sold in Shanghai,” says Lin. “Volvo Cars has also developed a system to integrate with it based on the current telematics solution. we are also working on the hot “car sharing” topic... and investigation of the future business model is on-going.”
Ein Ländervergleich in der Grafik:

Zubie, Plattform für das "Internet der Automobile"
Zubie, a company specializing in connected-car services for enterprises, small business and consumers, is focused on the Internet of Cars. It has created an open API platform called ZinC (Zubie for the Internet of Cars), tht purportedly lets developers and engineers build third-party apps and service integrations on top of Zubie's existing connected-car platform.
Some developers and partners, including Openbay and, have already registered for the ZinC platform in beta. ZinC currently powers deployments for Safeco's Teen Driving Program, GeekSquad and Telefonica's O2 Car Connection.
Beacons in der Reisebranche
The trick is data exchange with airports, and between airlines. The commercial and strategic value of the Big Data airlines gather about us at various stages of the journey makes them loathe to share too much.
IBM und 12 weitere Unternehmen neue Mitglieder der AllSeen Alliance
Die AllSeen Alliance kann sich über 13 neue Mitglieder freuen:
The group is welcoming IBM, Pivotal, CertiVox, KONA S, Appception, Granite River Labs, Hackster, Novatel Wireless, Omni m2m, Visible Energy, Fabita, Skyworth and TOPEAST. (..)
With increasing interest in AllJoyn and demand for innovative IoT technologies on the rise, the second annual AllSeen Alliance Summit will unite top operators, product companies, security and cloud experts, retailers, information technology and service providers who are collaborating to create an open ecosystem for IoT. The AllSeen Alliance Summit will take place in Seattle October 19-21, 2015.
Bericht: Apple HomeKit erfordert Apple-zertifizierte Chips
Apple had previously planned to allow device makers to run their own security solutions inside peoples’ homes, but the company shifted gears and is now requiring manufacturers to integrate Apple-certified chips and firmware into their products if they want to be compatible with HomeKit, according to a report from The Register.
Das würde die Verzögerungen auf Herstellerseite erklären. Interessant, dass Apple anscheinend radikal auf Sicherheit setzt und dafür für die langfristige Aussicht auf kurzfristige Verbreitung verzichtet. (Das Risiko für Apple ist minimal: Es gibt kaum jemand, der aktuell nennenswert mit HomeKit konkurriert. Sowohl Nest als auch Samsungs SmartThings erlangen keine Vorsprünge aktuell durch ein de facto nicht existentes HomeKit.)