Immer Dienstags erscheint an dieser Stelle eine kommentierte Übersicht zu den wichtigsten Entwicklungen und besten Analysen aus der Welt der vernetzten Geräte, dem ‘Internet der Dinge’. Vernetzte Welt kann per Email und per RSS-Feed abonniert werden.
IoT in einer ‘maslowschen Pyramide’
Interessant: Eine IoT-Hierarchie angelehnt an der maslowschen Pyramide auf TechCrunch:

What I find interesting about this construct is that while its initial scope was that of an individual IoT “Thing,” it is not limited to a single thing.
Consider that individual people join to form committees and organizations, where the new group becomes its own individual entity. In much the same way, a single thing will combine with other things to create groups and networks of things that are regarded as other more “complex” things.
These combined things will have their own needs that can be defined by this construct, as well. I especially like this Seussian micro to macro perspective when thinking about both things and the data that they collect and evolve into information.
Project Aura: Google versucht sich erneut an Wearables
Google is working on a new wearable technology effort known as Project Aura and is hiring consumer electronics experts from Amazon’s secretive Lab 126 to jump-start the new group.
Project Aura appears to have gotten started in June and is focused on reviving Google’s troubled Glass computer eyeglasses as well as accelerating Google’s efforts to develop related wearable technology.
Die kommende Aufteilung in Google und Alphabet wirft weiter wie beim Google OnHub organisatorische Fragen auf:
Project Aura will remain within Google rather than being a standalone company under the new Alphabet holding company or being folded into the the Nest smart appliances business, a source familiar with the matter told Business Insider.
Orange kündigt eigenes LoRA-Netzwerk an
Orange is taking another leap into the Internet of Things, France’s largest telecom company announced today. In addition to their existing line of Orange Home connected products, Orange has announced plans to roll out at network dedicated to the Internet of Things, which will be built on top of the Long Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWaN, or LoRa for short) protocol. The news comes after competitor Bouygues Telecom announced it had already begun testing out various IoT network solutions for a network it plans to roll out as early as 2016.
Orange was among the only telecom companies NOT present in SIGFOX’s €100 Million fundraising round,
“Chinas Roboter und Googles Software sind eine gefährliche Konstellation für Deutschland”
China ist inzwischen der größte Roboter-Markt der Welt. Die Entwicklung wird vom Staat stark getrieben. Das Ergebnis könnte sein, dass China günstige Roboter baut, und die USA, also zum Beispiel Google, die passende Software zum Betrieb der Roboter liefert. Das wäre eine gefährliche Konstellation für Deutschland. Nun sind Roboter nicht so leicht zu steuern wie Smartphones. Etwa 2020 werden wir sehen, ob Google oder andere US-Firmen in der Lage sind, auch das dominante Betriebssystem und entsprechende Plattformen für Roboter zu bauen.
Die Hälfte der aktuellen Tätigkeiten von Hausärzte wird nicht mehr benötigt werden, wenn „Smart Health“ sich weiter verbreitet. Über Fitness-Tracker können die Menschen permanent Daten über ihren Gesundheitszustand erfassen. Mit Hilfe der Vernetzung der Daten und deren Auswertung mittels „Big Data“ können die Software-Lösungen auftretende Probleme vorhersagen und vorher Tipps geben, zum Beispiel zu sinnvollen Medikamenten und deren Dosierung oder auch zu Nahrungsergänzungen. Diese Art der Gesundheitsvorsorge sowie Diagnose und Therapie ist dann viel individueller als beim Hausarzt.## RWE startet Kommunikationsprotokoll für das Internet der Dinge
RWE startet Kommunikationsprotokoll für das Internet der Dinge
RWE hat mit Lemonbeat ein Kommunikationsprotokoll entwickelt, das den Herausforderungen des Internets der Dinge begegnet. Teil der Lösung ist der Sprachstandard „Lemonbeat Smart Device Language“.
Warum Apples Plan mit HomeKit dem iPhone ähnelt
Apple sitzt mit Homekit in der Mitte des Smart Homes und verbindet die zwei Seiten: App-Entwickler auf der einen, Hardwarehersteller auf der anderen. Tech Insider:
The clever part: You don’t need to make the actual appliances or hardware to make an app for HomeKit. Anybody could theoretically create an app that makes a Philips Hue light bulb act a certain way when a certain song or TV show is on (for instance).
This scenario depends on some cooperation from the hardware makers — in this case, Philips would have to open up its light bulb to the HomeKit community.
But in general, Apple wants third parties to be able to build their own apps and features for HomeKit devices.
It’s a near repeat of what Apple did with the iPhone. When it first came out in 2007, it only included pre-bundled apps from Apple. A year later, Apple opened it up to app makers and created the App Store, and the rest is history.
Android-App Tekoia will Smart Home vereinen
Tekoia believes there are many more like myself in the world. The Tel Aviv-based startup claims to have developed the first universal smart remote for digital media, home automation, and internet of things (IOT). Their SURE Android App is free to download and utilizes WiFi and infrared to manage TVs, airconditioners, and media devices straight from your smartphone. Basically, it’s an app that can communicate with a number of home appliances.
Populäre Smart-Home-Geräte
Die Übersicht über populäre Kategorien von Smart-Home-Geräten auf Connectedly zeigt vor allem, wie sehr der gesamte Sektor noch am Anfang steht.
Startups, die Produkte gegen Luftverschmutzung machen
Tech In Asia mit einer Übersicht.
Wilson X: Vernetzter Basketball
Wilson has released the world’s first smart connected basketball aimed to help track and improve your basketball shot all while making playing more enjoyable. It looks and feels just like your standard basketball and is available in 29.5-inch official, and 28.5-inch intermediate sizes. Inside it has an undetectable smart sensor that will track your makes, misses, and range while paired with your device via Bluetooth.
Sensoren und Vernetzung überall.
Smarte Türschlösser: Neues Modell von Lockitron
Lockitron hat ein neues Modell seiner smarten Türschlösser vorgestellt. TechCrunch:
The new device, available in Modern and Quicksilver finishes, boasts a familiar look but what’s new is its most-affordable entry-price to date, just $99. The device ships in late November, and continues with previous models’ feature sets, allowing users to automatically unlock their front door with Bluetooth before their hand even touches the door handle. With a special Bridge device users are also capable of unlocking their door for their friends and family from anywhere in the world.
Lockitron is also giving consumers one more way to open their doors, via a new hardware upgrade coming to the Lockitron in early 2016, the Bolt Keypad, available for $149 for new customers ad $49 for existing Bolt owners. With the Bolt Keypad, home owners can set dedicated pin codes for individual persons from their app.
Techsupport-Plattform für u.a. Smart Home HelloTech erhält 12,5 Mio. $
HelloTech verbindet Collegestudenten mit Kunden, die Tech-Support benötigen. Pressemitteilung via VentureBeat:
Since launching in May, HelloTech has paired savvy college students, HelloTech Heroes, with technology users who are tired of waiting on hold and need in-person support. HelloTech screens, tests and vets their Heroes and then deploys them to homes covering more than 200 zip codes in Los Angeles, which represents a population of more than 3 million people.
HelloTech setzt dabei sinnvollerweise auch verstärkt auf den Smart-Home-Sektor:
Additionally, HelloTech offers a curated selection of smart home technologies including wireless music systems, Internet-controlled thermostats, digital door locks, and video surveillance systems. These technology devices are increasingly becoming common features in today’s homes, but can be confusing to purchase, install and operate. HelloTech offers products in a range of categories and prices to simplify the process of taking advantage of these new home technologies. The company already partners with technology companies such as Sonos, Nest, Belkin, Linksys, WeMo, Ring, Lifelock, and iDrive.
Weitere Meldungen:
- Internet of Things Lösungen: IBM kooperiert mit HCL
- Insteon’s Bumpy HomeKit Beginnings
- Traditionshersteller Blaupunkt ist insolvent
- Roomba advances robot intelligence with a model that can map your house and remember where it’s cleaned
- This app aims to make sure you won’t get lost in airports or malls again
- Internet of Things: Ein Ausweis für jeden vernetzten Toaster?
- Huawei Watch hands-on: Smart-looking timepiece struggles as a smartwatch