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Top: Finanzierung in IoT-Startups hat sich mehr als verdoppelt in sechs Jahren
Funding to IoT startups has grown at a steady clip, more than doubling in 5 years from $768M in 2010 to over $1.9B in 2014. Yearly deal count soared from 91 in 2010, to 221 in 2014. And, at the current run-rate, 2015 is on track to eclipse last year’s record-breaking funding year, despite the deal count being down significantly from last year.

Analysen & Berichte
Übersicht über Wearables-Startups
Noch einmal CB Insights:
The selected 42 companies raised a combined $1.9B in investment over 105 deals. And more than one quarter of the chosen startups are still early-stage companies.

"How People Are Actually Using the Internet of Things"
In these early days of the Internet of Things (IoT), much of the focus has been on industrial applications, such as improving operations with autonomous machines, or standalone consumer products, like a Fitbit. But from our research, we’re seeing a more human-centric category of IoT activity starting to emerge. It’s less about automation and more about personal augmentation; less about individual devices and more about “living services” that let people program and connect smart devices however they want. (..)

The data show that the most heavily used IoT programs are ones that make home life easier, more distinctive, and more pleasant. Respondents also show a big preference for services that don’t require them to go out of their way to make something work. People using the Internet of Things increasingly prefer interfaces that are more natural and less visible (and attention-sapping) than screens.
Erfolgreiche Kickstarterkampagne (1.618.869 € eingesammelt) der Woche:
Ulo is a cute surveillance camera, a pet owl interacting with you through eye expressions.
"IoT Changes Hardware Companies into Software Companies"
Connectivity and pay-per-use software lets companies monetize creativity—traditionally unconnected devices can offer new experiences. An intelligent guitar, for example, can download tunes and share recordings across social networks. Expensive equipment such as like routers, MRI machines, or test and measurement hardware that was once out of reach for smaller customers because of high up-front costs now offer pay-as-you-go pricing enabled by usage-tracking and internet connectivity, allowing manufacturers to tap into previously inaccessible markets.
Siehe auch Thingonomics 10 zum Thema.
"Half a year later, the Apple Watch feels like a stalled platform"
Seven months later, my Apple Watch is still the second thing I put on every morning. (Glasses first.) But while I still enjoy using it and recommend buying it, I’m starting to feel the limitations of what the first version of the watch can do.
The main issue: I’m still only using it for a few tasks, and those haven’t changed at all. (..)
Beyond faster hardware, quicker network access, and a thinner case, I’m most eager to see what Apple does with the high-level concept.
"This Connected Kitchen Scale Shows Cooks the Weigh Ahead"
The Drop scale and its attendant app could get you to change your ways. It connects to an iPhone or iPad via Bluetooth LE. The iPad app offers nearly 300 recipes. It weighs each ingredient onscreen as you add it and gives step-by-step recipe guidance—from flour in a bowl to cookies in the oven. (The iPhone app has been updated recently to include recipes.) It’s not perfect; the scale itself lacks a display, so you need your phone or iPad to weigh out your morning coffee. But if you want to improve your kitchen-fu, get the drop on Drop.
"Ford's plan for making self-driving cars sounds a whole lot like Google's"
The automaker hasn’t said much about its plans for the autonomous age, but is starting to tip its hand. It is road-testing a fleet of self-driving Ford Fusion Hybrids in Dearborn, Michigan, and hopes to expand beyond its hometown. What’s more, the company wants to offer a no-kidding, it’s-fully-autonomous car in five years. No middle ground, not half measures, just a headlong leap into robo-vehicles. (..)
Ford wants to skip Level 3 because it presents the one of the biggest challenges with this technology: How to safely transfer control from the computer to the driver, particularly in an emergency. It’s a balancing act, one that requires providing drivers with the benefits of autonomy—like not having to pay attention—while ensuring they are ready to grab the wheel if the car encounters something it can’t handle.
"Qube is the $19 smart bulb that's taking aim at Philips Hue"
Of course, the most interesting aspect of the Qube is its price. If you pledge to the company's Indiegogo campaign within the first 72 hours, you can grab a bulb for just $16 each. Even the standard preorder price of $19, represents a bit of a bargain, although Philips Hue inventor George Yianni might have something to say about that.
The company is looking to raise $50,000 to mass-produce the Qube. You'll have to wait a bit, mind. Shipping is set for April 2016.
"How the SoC is Displacing the CPU"
System on a chip (SoC) ist die Revolution unter der Haube bei Smartphones und vernetzten Geräten. Medium:
In just five years, SoC technology has catapulted from enabling basic computation/connectivity on a feature phone to being at the heart of all smartphones, tablets and Chromebooks, capable of a wide range of functions including audio/video, gaming, communication and productivity. (..)
In the post-PC world, the computing paradigm has shifted in such a way that overall user experience is now a critical benchmark independent of the raw performance of the underlying technology. The Apple iPhone and iPad are great examples of this paradigm shift. Even the early versions of the iPhone provided a highly satisfactory user experience — not because they featured the fastest computing speed with the most advanced silicon but because they enabled rich features at reasonable computing speed and reasonable price points.
"BioSerenity raises €3 Million to bring wearable epilepsy detection to the masses"
In line with the wave of medical-tech fusion, BioSerenity, a French startup founded by Pierre Fouin, is revolutionizing early epilepsy detection. Founded in January of 2014, the Paris-based startup has raised over €3 million from Kurma Diagnostics and Idinvest Partners to propel its research and development.
"Herstellerneutrale Plattform für Industrie"
Labs Network Industrie 4.0 soll den Einsatz von Industrie-4.0-Technologien verstärken. Dafür haben sich Siemens, SAP, HPE, Giesecke & Devrient, Deutsche Telekom und Festo mit den Verbänden Bitkom, VDMA und ZVEI in einem Verein zusammengefunden. Ziel ist es, eine eine Struktur für Praxistests bereitzustellen.
Das firmenneutrale Netzwerk soll die staatlich geförderte Plattform Industrie 4.0 ergänzen und erweitern. Weitere Mitgliedsunternehmen werden den Gründungsmitgliedern gleichgestellt sein. Der Verein hat seinen Sitz in Berlin und wird noch in diesem Jahr seine Arbeit aufnehmen.