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Top: Cisco übernimmt Jasper für 1,4 Mia. US-Dollar

Die bis dato größte Übernahme nach Nest (3,2 Milliarden US-Dollar), die mit dem Internet der Dinge in Verbindung gebracht werden kann. Cisco kauft das Startup Jasper für 1,4 Milliarden US-Dollar. heise online:
Jasper, das im kalifornischen Santa Clara sitzt, hat laut Cisco eine Service-Plattform entwickelt, über die Unternehmen IoT-Dienste einrichten, weltweit betreiben und Geld daraus schlagen können sollen. Das heißt, Unternehmen könnten jedes Gerät vom Auto bis zum Flugzeugantrieb vernetzen und mit Jaspers Software as a Service handhaben.
Jasper’s Control Center platform ties together devices and apps by drawing on partnerships with mobile network operators in more than 100 countries. The company claims more than 3,500 enterprise-scale customers around the world, including many of the biggest names in e-commerce, retail, transportation and other industries.
Top: 2/3 aller 2015 verkauften Smartwatches waren Apple Watches
Die Marktanalysten von Canalys:
Apple dominated the smart watch market in 2015, accounting for over 12 million units and two-thirds of all shipments according to Canalys estimates. Samsung returned to second place in Q4, as the improved design of the Gear S2 saw a much better consumer reception than previous wearable efforts by the company. Pebble came third and Huawei came fourth, establishing itself as the leading Android Wear vendor. Basic bands exceeded 37 million shipments for the year. Fitbit set a quarterly shipments record as it comfortably led the category. Xiaomi held second place, shipping 12 million Mi Bands during 2015.
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Samsungs Smart Home Hub im Guardian-Review
The SmartThings sensors work well, but are quite pricey, the kit is worth buying, the system is adaptable and the cross-platform app support is a huge bonus compared to other closed systems.
This is about as good as an integrated IoT system that connects to devices from a plethora of vendors gets right now.
Pros: simple setup, cross-platform, decent app, developer community, multiple standards in one box, unites your existing kit, adaptable
Cons: not compatible with everything, workarounds for non-natively supported devices will be difficult for some, Internet of Things still very early in its lifecycle
Nach Smart Watches kommen Smart Rings
Wired: "Everyone Wants to Make Smart Rings—But No One Knows What For":
The wearable-as-notification-machine idea is a popular one—beyond fitness tracking, it’s really the only compelling use case anyone’s come up with. But how do you communicate information without a screen? Ringly, along with more traditional wrist-bound wearable companies like Misfit and even Apple to some extent, is playing with a combination of lights and buzzes. But Neyya’s Hunt doesn’t buy it. “I just can’t even remember, like, if my mom’s calling me and it’s vibrating three times and flashing pink,” Hunt says, “or my dad’s calling me and it’s vibrating five times and flashing blue.” It was too much. “My Apple Watch, it has so many apps synced up with it,” she says. “We just didn’t want to get into any of that.” Neyya purposefully doesn’t do that stuff—if there’s no way to do it well, Hunt says, don’t do it at all.
Identifizierung ist ein offensichtliches Nutzungsszenario für "smarte Ringe". Aber dafür fehlt es noch am Ökosystem. (Das Gleiche gilt leicht abgeschwächt für Smartwatches.)
"IoT Reality: Smart Devices, Dumb Defaults"
Before purchasing an “Internet of things” (IoT) device — a thermostat, camera or appliance made to be remotely accessed and/or controlled over the Internet — consider whether you can realistically care for and feed the security needs of yet another IoT thing. After all, there is a good chance your newly adopted IoT puppy will be:
-chewing holes in your network defenses;
-gnawing open new critical security weaknesses;
-bred by a vendor that seldom and belatedly patches;
-tough to wrangle down and patch
GE, Jet-Turbinen und der Wandel zu Service-Geschäftsmodellen
What GE is doing right now is a great example. GE, traditionally, has been selling jet engines, for example … they are big in jet engines. And the traditional model is, they sell a jet engine at a unique price. There’s typically a warranty for a few years, and after that, they offer a maintenance agreement. So if something goes wrong, they come and fix it. They’re now changing to more of a subscription model. They practically give the jet engines away for free. However, they charge a monthly or annual subscription, and it comes with a guarantee. They don’t necessarily guarantee the product, but they guarantee the trust. Meaning that if you have this subscription, then you don’t have to worry about the repairs or anything like that. If anything goes wrong, GE is going to come in and replace the engine. So whenever you turn the switch, you can have a certain trust that it’s ready and the engines will turn on. That’s the model.
Knowledge@Wharton: So it’s a rental or leasing model, in a way.
Rhee: Yes. However, here’s the interesting play. To make the model work, GE has to know exactly when its engines are going to fail. Here’s why: If you replace an engine too early, you are leaving money on the table, because the engine could have gone even longer. And if you wait too late and a disastrous situation happens, planes are going to fall. So you have to know exactly when it’s going to fail.
To determine that, GE started putting many, many hundreds of sensors around the engines for several years, and then they monitored the status and health of the engines in real time. They have 100 year’s worth of experience in the diagnostics model; they have tons of data. They can combine these IoT sensors with their big data analytics, and it tells them exactly when each engine is going to fail — and that’s how they make money.
"Internet of Things Disrupting Customer Service"
The Internet of Things is changing the customer experience, according to Kevin Daley, chief business architect at IBM. (..)
All of this results in an emergence of an individual-centered economy, he said, inspiring customer service innovation. He cited USAA as an example. The insurer is partnering with other companies to provide service to customers throughout the auto life cycle – during the purchase, finance, insurance, maintenance and selling stages.
Consumers are in the driver’s seat. Brand differentiation is more about the consumer and less about product, said Daley.
IoT offers insurers the ability to provide policyholders a connected consumer lifestyle while simultaneously detecting risks, he explained. It combines policyholder values – safety, security, economics, comfort and convenience. For example, a new IoT offering on the horizon is a geo-fence that will let parents decide the specific region teens will be allowed to be in.
Die andere Seite der Medaille ist natürlich, dass der Markt undurchsichtiger für Privatpersonen wird. (Was allerdings wiederum Bedarf für nachgelagerte (smartere) Vergleichsdienstleister schafft.)
- US intelligence chief: we might use the internet of things to spy on you, siehe auch US-Geheimdienste wollen im Internet of Things spionieren /
- For new wearable, monitoring health at the molecular level is no sweat
- Pebble adds custom messages, Pebble Health watch face and API, new low power mode, more
- Android Wear adds new gestures, speaker support, and ability to send messages using your voice
- 5 open source IoT projects to watch in 2016 - Benjamin Cabé
- Mozilla outlines the end of Firefox OS on phones and looks to IoT future