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Topthema: Apple Watch Reviews und mehr
Eine gute Übersicht der ersten Rezensionen der Apple Watch findet man bei
John Gruber von Daring Fireball malt in seinem Apple-Watch-Review ein realistisches Zukunftszenario:
You’re 16. You’re in school. You’re sitting in class. You have a crush on another student — you’ve fallen hard. You can’t stop thinking about them. You suspect the feelings are mutual — but you don’t know. You’re afraid to just come right out and ask, verbally — afraid of the crushing weight of rejection. But you both wear an Apple Watch. So you take a flyer and send a few taps. And you wait. Nothing in response. Dammit. Why are you so stupid? Whoa — a few taps are sent in return, along with a hand-drawn smiley face. You send more taps. You receive more taps back. This is it. You send your heartbeat. It is racing, thumping. Your crush sends their heartbeat back.
You’re flirting. Not through words. Not through speech. Physically flirting, by touch. And you’re not even in the same classroom. Maybe you don’t even go to the same school.
I’m not saying digital touch is only for teenagers. I’m not saying it’s only for flirting. But the scenario above exemplifies the ways that digital touch opens the door to forms of remote communication that most of us haven’t ever considered. Non-verbal, non-visual, physical communication across any distance. This could be something big.
Eine interessante Beobachtung hat Ben Thompson auf Stratechery gemacht (Paywall):
Do you see the pattern? The tech guys are griping about a lack of focus and that the watch is too hard to use, while the explicitly non-tech folks (Phelps opened by explaining that she was a self-professed Luddite) are marveling over the features and celebrating that it’s just like an iPhone. It’s a fascinating contrast that is repeated across all of the reviews that I read.
One that in particular that stood out to me is how most of the non-tech reviewers loved the idea of talking into their watches, while the tech folks thought it was mostly silly. It kind of reminds me of using iPads to take pictures and selfie-sticks: normal folks love it, while techies think it’s ridiculous. I do think that, counterintuitively, technologists are in some respects more conservative when it comes to new paradigms than normal folks, and the early reviews at least suggest that might be the case with the Watch.
The Apple Watch is a misunderstood bridge to the future, schreibt treffend Business Insider:
Apple Watch EventThis is where computing is going after the smartphone era. It will be everywhere, it will know what you want, and it won’t require you to do anything to get something in return.
Ubiquitous, anticipatory, and passive.
The Apple Watch is a small step forward in all three categories.
It’s a tiny device that can communicate with all kinds of networks — Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and short-range NFC for Apple Pay. It uses Siri to understand voice commands. It requires less attention than your phone, especially when you’re just receiving simple messages like a tap or a heartbeat with it.
Ebenfalls Business Insider über die Verbindung zwischen Apple Watch und iPhone:
The smartphone is only getting more powerful and more useful. This is why the watch will be bigger than the iPad. The iPad is a nice device, but it’s not as essential as the iPhone. As the iPhone digs deeper into our lives, having a satellite of the phone on our wrist will be incredibly useful, says Manjoo.
Das iPhone ist die populärste und vielleicht wichtigste Computerfamilie der Welt. Ein Produkt, das als das wichtigste Accessoire dieser Computerserie startet, hat gute Chancen ein Hit zu werden.
Health-Apps sind die erste populäre App-Kategorie für Apple Watch:
Inlcuded are apps from HCSC, WebMD, Kaiser Permanente, Dexcom, HealthTap, Vocera and many others, enabling everything from health records for patients to medication reminders and continuous glucose monitoring on the Apple Watch.
Topnews: Amazon Echo bekommt Smart-Home-Unterstützung

Amazon Echo bekommt eine erste (rudimentäre) Unterstützung für WeMo und Hue.
Es ist wenig überraschend, was hier passiert und (angesichts der Anreize von Amazon) auch offensichtlich, was als nächstes passieren wird:
- Fire TV und Echo werden die gleiche API oder zumindest API-Kompatibilität bekommen.
- Amazon kann als Händler Smart-Home-Produkte stärker pushen, die die Amazon-API integriert haben.
- Die Implikationen aus dieser API/Plattform und der Handelsplattform von Amazon sind potenziell immens. (Und das weiß man bei Amazon auch.)
Validic, eine Digital-Health-Plattform
Validic, a digital health platform provider, has launched a developer platform that allows mobile health devices and apps to build directly to Validic’s network, Validic Connect. Validic Connect provides an API to which companies can integrate directly with the Validic marketplace.
Apple TV
John Gruber über das Design der Ankündigung der WWDC, Apples jährlicher Developerkonferenz:
I usually don’t play the “let’s read into the design of the Apple event announcement” game, but damned if the center of this doesn’t look like an Apple TV. And the slogan — “The Epicenter of Change” — would fit with an expanded HomeKit role for Apple TV.
Eine Multiprotokoll-Welt (nicht nur) für das Industrial IoT
There are currently a number of protocols used to support the sharing of data. According to Foster this data should be accessible where it resides and able to be delivered where it is needed. Among the protocols that support this are:
DDS – the OMG standard for high-performance and secure data-centric publish/subscribe. AMQP – a standard that defines a binary, peer-to-peer protocol for transporting messages between two processes over a network. MQTT – this protocol allows for lightweight device data collection although full interoperability between different MQTT implementations cannot be guaranteed. REST – a client-server style of internet communication used for creating scalable web services. CoAP – this protocol supports the connectivity of low power devices. XMPP – an XML based communications protocol for message-oriented middleware.
Die vernetzte Welt wird hinter den Kulissen eine sehr viel komplexere Welt sein.
IOTAS bietet “Smart apartments” an
Smart apartments open up the Internet of Things to renters:
Now, catering to these gadget-loving renters, Grant Park Village in Portland is an apartment building which has been fully kitted out with all the latest Internet of Things devices by start-up IOTAS.
Each apartment comes, as standard, with a host of smart home devices, including smart lights, plugs and sensors, although these are seamlessly integrated into the property’s design so as not to intimidate Internet of Things newcomers. There are also preset rules, such as lights and music turning on when the inhabitants come home, and all of the lights in the rest of the flat turning off when they shut their bedroom door.
Entwickler sind und bleiben bei Apple und Google
As VisionMobile Q1 2015 Developer Economics survey data reveals, 53% of mobile developers are already actively working on Internet of Things projects. The top two markets within the field are smart homes (37% of relevant developers are working in this area) and wearables (35%).
Die Vorteile, wenn man Provider der populärsten Betriebssysteme ist.
Asus VivoWatch

Asus has revealed its newest smartwatch, the VivoWatch, which will have a primary focus of being a fitness tracker. Unlike their previous smartwatch, the Asus ZenWatch, the VivoWatch will have a black and white display with a colored LED strip below, and will not run on Android Wear. With being able to last for 10-days on a single charge, the VivoWatch will have no trouble measuring your heartbeat, tracking your sleep, or running one of the various health-oriented apps that come preloaded.
In addition, the VivoWatch is IP67 certified, which means it will be dust and water resistant. Asus has yet to provide pricing or availability for the upcoming smartwatch, but it is rumored that additional details could be coming during Milan Design Week, which starts April 14.
Deutsche Smart-Home-Startups
Deutsche Startups hat eine Marktübersicht mit 24 deutschen Smart-Home-Anbietern veröffentlicht. Das Ergebnis ist durchwachsen.