Langes aber sehr lesenswertes Interview mit Facebook-CEO Mark Zuckerberg auf Inside Facebook. Ein paar Auszüge:
Über Open Graph & co.:
There’s two parts of the Platform – there’s canvas and then everything outside of Facebook. The focus now is actually the latter – Connect and everything we’re doing with social plugins. We have an all hands meeting later today and I was just told that Connect is now on 1 million sites.[..]
(Hervorhebung von mir. Siehe zum Thema auch die Analyse vom April zu den extrem wichtigen Facebook-Neuerungen.)
Über Facebook-Credits:
It makes sense that there should be one currency.[..]
The other thing about Credits from our business perspective is that payments and Credits is a significantly lower margin business than ads. Ads are 20%, 30%, 40%. A lot of people are skeptical of when we say we are doing this primarily for the developer ecosystem, but that’s really how we think about it.[..]
So if Zynga or any one player can allow cross payments within their games, but that doesn’t extend to other games, then that ends up being a big barrier to entry for other startups. Making it so that there is one currency that people can take everywhere levels the playing field a bit, which is good.
Es mag stimmen, dass Facebook aktuell auf maximale Einnahmen verzichtet, um Credits zu etablieren. Aber Zuckerbergs Aussage, dass man nicht davon ausgeht, dass die eigene Währung für Facebook ein massgeblicher Einkommenstrom wird, glaube ich nicht. Hier versucht Zuckerberg die Entwickler zunächst auf seine Seite zu bekommen, entwicklerfreundlich zu erscheinen und die Bedeutung für Facebook klein zu halten, um das langfristige Wachstum für die Facebook-Währung sicherzustellen. Mit seinen Aussagen über Währung und Plattform liegt er allerdings trotzdem richtig.
Über Twitter:
I looked at their rate and thought if this continues for 12 months or 18 months, then in a year they’re going to be bigger than us. I guess I extrapolated too much from our own experience of what was possible, but it just turned out that that their growth rate was kind of unnatural. They got a lot of media attention, and it grew very quickly for a little period of time.
Most of the lessons I take away from the whole thing now are that, as good as I think they are, I think I personally just paid too much attention to it.