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- Understanding The Pirate Party
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- Fleet Foxes Thank Piracy For Their Success
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– Jazzy Jeff Bezos rocks.
– >:-|
– „On the open web, services get built on top of services. Fredwilson.fm is built on top of Tumblr and Streampad. Hype Machine and Elbo.ws are built on top of services like fredwilson.fm. As we move up the aggregation stack, we start to assemble larger audiences.“
– “ Tossell, though, does raise some important questions about how far the Party can go with the name, however. I tend to agree. While I agree that calling it The Pirate Party helps in getting initial attention (and press attention), it also brings out those sorts of false accusations that it’s just about „getting free stuff“ rather than serious issues that impact civil rights and innovation.“
– “ Most people, having been taught from a young age, the „wonders“ of intellectual property as a driving force to our economy, have an instinctual, inherent belief that more and stronger IP laws must be a good thing. I know I certainly felt that way for a long time. It was only as I was exposed to more facts, more details and more evidence that I began to realize just how troubling it is to create such intellectual monopolies, in an effort to create artificial scarcity, to lock up ideas and expression — all to allow profit over freedom of expression.“ Ging mir ähnlich.
– „“I’ve discovered so much music through that medium. That will be true of any artist my age, absolutely,” Pecknold added. He explained that he is not the only musician to have benefited from ’stealing’ music, as the major labels like to call it. Having access to an unlimited library of music only makes a musician better“ Und die Musik von Fleet Foxes ist auch toll.
– “ I see Facebook and Twitter and Friend Feed emerging as public channels. I call them public because it’s a way for people to communicate with each other publicly. And the problem with those channels is they’re really noisy. And I think we need services built on top of them. I think Facebook and Friend Feed and Twitter are building a lot of those services into their services. But I think way more people are building services on top of them. „
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