- „Focus”-Redakteure zu kaufen
- Google Docs: Export aller Dateien jetzt möglich
- New York Times und die API-Frage
- Will There Be an Android App Boom Soon?
- Ach, Deutschland.
- 85,000 reasons why Apple’s iPhone isn’t going to be disrupted
- API Business Models: To Pay or To Charge Developers, That Is the Question
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- Apps für iPhone, Android und Blackberry entwickeln – mit HTML und JavaScript
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- The Science of Retweets on Twitter
- Facebook's New NewsFeed: A Big Shot Fired in The War Against Information Overload
- "These services will someday have to compete on user experience, when they no longer have your social connections locked-in. The service that does the best job filtering up the most important information you have coming your way will likely be the service you stick with. That's going to be a key area of competition between social networks." - PayPal’s Fate Now Rests With Developers
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- Real Time, Baby!
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- Lesetipp: Über die herausfordernde Zukunft von Deutsche Telekom & Co.