- Google Buzz re-invents Gmail
- If Google Wave Is The Future, Google Buzz Is The Present
- Google’s Open Tools and APIs Make Buzz Hum
- Banish Google Buzz Updates from Your Gmail Inbox [Distractions]
- FriendFeed (and Gmail) Founder’s Reaction To Google Buzz: “This Seems Vaguely Familiar”
- Google Buzz: The Mainstream’s Geo-Social Network?
- [game] Giana Sisters
- How Google Buzz is Disruptive: Open Data Standards
- Deutsche Handelskonzerne auf E-Commerce-Kurs
- How Google Buzz Validates but Marginalizes FriendFeed
- Google Buzz and the Social Web
- Introducing Google Buzz
- Björn Ognibeni über Thesen gegen Social Media (Good School Seminar).
- Die FAZ und der doppelte Hegemann
- Idea for alternative RSS syncing system
- The Long Tail Of Video Sites Capture Half Of All Viewing Minutes
- Shared content on Facebook surges fivefold from seven months ago
– „Retro-Freunde frohlocken. Ob sich einer jüngeren Generation, der hier zweifelsfrei versprühte Charme erschließt, bleibt abzuwarten. Es ist jedenfalls nicht zu leugnen, dass sich mein persönliches Amüsement aus Erinnerungen an durchzockte Kindheitstage speist. Nichtsdestotrotz ist Giana Sisters ein solider Plattformer mit farbenfroher Grafik, der für den Verkaufspreis von 3.99 € einige Stunden Unterhaltung bereitstellt.“
– „Buzz is all about open, standardized user data.
Google Buzz data can be syndicated out to other services using the standard data formats called Atom, Activity Streams, MediaRSS and PubSubHubbub. That couldn’t be more different from Facebook. Google has taken open data standards to battle against a marketplace of competitors that are closed and proprietary to varying degrees. This is a very big deal.“
Sehr interessant.
– „Im E-Commerce ist plötzlich wieder alles möglich: Jahrelang haben sich die deutschen Handelskonzerne gesträubt, in reine Online-Konzepte zu investieren. Nun scheinen sie sich besonnen zu haben – und steigen wieder verstärkt in den Online-Handel ein.“
– „There is no question the Google team had a high level of respect for what FriendFeed was doing, and Google employees, current and former, were among the most visible, active, users. Now, they have brought the best elements of FriendFeed into Google, validating the promise of what FriendFeed was and could be, but further reducing the need for a site like FriendFeed.com.“
Genau meine Gedanken.
– „We believe that the social web works best when it works like the rest of the web — many sites linked together by simple open standards. Rather than launching with a one-off API, we see Buzz as a tremendous opportunity to work with the community to create and support open protocols for the next generation of social web apps and websites.“
– „Google Buzz is a new way to start conversations about the things you find interesting. It’s built right into Gmail, so you don’t have to peck out an entirely new set of friends from scratch — it just works. If you think about it, there’s always been a big social network underlying Gmail. Buzz brings this network to the surface by automatically setting you up to follow the people you email and chat with the most.“
– „Der Widerspruch muss der FAZ irgendwann aufgefallen sein. Dass das Blatt mal so, mal so argumentiert: Diebstahl von geistigem Eigentum ist gut, wenn daraus Literaturwunderliteratur entsteht (die ein Verlag extrem gut verkaufen kann); Diebstahl von geistigem Eigentum ist schlecht, wenn der Verlag der Beklaute ist (das verhagelt nämlich die Bilanz).“
– „According to comScore’s 2009 U.S. Digital Year in Review, more than half of all time spent watching videos on the Web (52 percent) last year was on Long Tail video sites beyond the top 25. What you see is a real barbell distribution, with Youtube on one end and the Long Tail sites on the other.“
Interessant. Vor allem da in Deutschland immer noch gern behauptet wird, dass es den Long-Tail-Effekt im Netz gar nicht gibt.
– „Facebook users are sharing five billion pieces of content a week, or five times as much as they were in July, according to new statistics the company released this month.“
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